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Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Katz, Israel and the Powers

Israel and the Powers
By Art Katz

There is an invisible realm over the nations and over every locality occupied by an order of fallen, rebellious angels. They have influenced, and continue to influence, the course of history in nations, races and men. The genocidal horrors that are taking place worldwide have their source and origin in the influence that is being exerted by these angelic Powers through men on the earth, though mankind is unaware that they are being played upon and enslaved.
These angels were created and endowed by God with gifts in order to administer His creation and to preserve a certain order and structure of it in a way that would be conducive to God’s eternal purpose. In their rebellion, however, they are using the role and offices that were given them to turn the attention of men away from God. When this administrative order fell, it took on the spirit of Satan who said, “I will rise above the Most High.” This is the most perverse egotism. Not content to serve the purposes of God administratively, the Powers of the air use that place to win the allegiance, loyalty, devotion and worship of men unto themselves. They are fallen and defeated Powers, yet they can still influence, corrupt and adversely affect entire societies, communities and nations. They operate through culture, religion, commerce and institutions.

There is a remarkably acute statement in Scripture that shows the depth of the vehement bitterness and opposition of the Powers of darkness toward God’s governmental scheme for the end of the age and the ushering in of His millennial kingdom through the restoration of the nation of Israel. It is found in Psalm 2, and it reveals just how ancient and timeless this whole mystery is:
Why are the nations in an uproar, and the peoples devising a vain thing?
The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against His Anointed: Let us tear their fetters apart, and cast away their cords from us!
He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them.
Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury: But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain (vs. 1-6).

The picture given here is that the nations of the world, their kings and rulers, are vexed and foaming at the mouth in indignation. They want to tear apart the cords of the Lord and His Anointed, and do not want to be under His authority. They do not want to have this King rule over them. We need to distinguish between kings and rulers. The kings are the visible, human, earthly magistrates, but who, then, are the rulers? We are suggesting that they are the unseen, invisible spirits of this world, the gods of this world, the Principalities and Powers of the air, who manifest their wisdom through earthly rulers. They operate through the unregenerate ambitions of men, and find ample opportunity to ventilate their hatred, their bitterness, their mentality and their perverse ‘wisdom’ through those who are susceptible to it and who share those corrupt values. Power, force, intimidation, threat, prestige, dominance and violence are intrinsically the character of the Powers of the air.

What are they, therefore, foaming against? They are not just bemused, irritated, or somewhat piqued; they are in uproar [‘rage’ - KJV]. You do not rage unless your deepest interests are threatened. The vain thing they imagine is that somehow they can reverse the foreordained purposes of God. Even though God has a holy intention of restoring Israel to Himself, to the Land, and making it the locus of His theocratic rule, the Powers of the air still believe they can prevent its fulfillment by annihilating every last Jew.10 God speaks to them in His anger because they are opposing His millennial intention:
...I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain (verse 6b).
That is His design, and He will do it.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/7/15 1:33Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK

 Re: Katz, Israel and the Powers

There is an invisible realm over the nations and over every locality occupied by an order of fallen, rebellious angels. They have influenced, and continue to influence, the course of history in nations, races and men. The genocidal horrors that are taking place worldwide have their source and origin in the influence that is being exerted by these angelic Powers through men on the earth, though mankind is unaware that they are being played upon and enslaved.

Wow, Lars, this is strong stuff...
Is there any biblical evidence for any of this?

Ron Bailey

 2004/7/15 6:04Profile

Joined: 2003/9/26
Posts: 29
Cape Town - South Africa

 Re: Katz, Israel and the Powers

Hi Lars.

I usually just read all the stuff that is on this site and enjoy everything that is written here. I usually dont have time to do this amount of typing, because I type real slow, but I feel myself forced to give my point of vew on this topic, not that I say I am absolotely right, but I just saw something going on that is quite upsetting.

I absolutely agree with the fact that the rulers of this world, the principalities are fallen angels. I also believe and agree with you that these powers have invluance on our lives. These powers of darkness have some mysterious power that they can even influance the awnswers on our prayers as we see when the angel of the Lord told Daniel that the prince of Persia withstood him some time.

But that we as people here on earth can go and bind the devel as we like and tear down these ruling spirits I dont believe is scriptural, as I never before saw it written there. We all know that this earth is for a time in the power of satan and that in time Jesus Christ Himself will take over the Kingdom Himself and rule as King on earth. If these powers was not thrown down by Jesus when He was on earth, even when satan told Him to bow down and worship him so He could get all the kingdoms of heaven(for He knew that was not the way in wich God wanted to hand over the Kingdom to Him)

In Jude we are even warned of people who go on and speak things against these powers that even the angel Michael dared not to say against them. But Michael referred the devil to God and told him that God wil deal with him in due time.

We must remember one thing, that He who is in us is bigger than he who is in the world, and therefore we need not fear. satan can do no more to the child of God than what God permits him to do. But we also need to know Gods will and the plan He has for this earth and the way in wich He will deliver this world from the power of satan. He Himself will do it and only at the end of the age with the coming of Christ, which I believe is very near.

There is these days a new tendensy that we as human beings need to take over this world and make Jesus King and then will peace come. But that is not what the Bible says. This is as the day the people wanted to make Jesus King when He was here on earth and He fled from them, as He Himself knew Gods will.

Let all of us seek Gods will, that we will not work and do all these "good" things, but in the end find out it was all in vain and not in the will of God.

Janus :-)

Johannes Jacobs

 2004/7/15 9:50Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318

 Re: Katz, Israel and the Powers

Please, allow the article to develop its main theme. Katz has a clearly defined target.
Discussion which brings us out on detours and into blind alleys disrupts and distracts.
We wish to drink and eat in peace.
L. W.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/7/15 10:31Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK



Please, allow the article to develop its main theme. Katz has a clearly defined target.
Discussion which brings us out on detours and into blind alleys disrupts and distracts.
We wish to drink and eat in peace.

Are we not allowed to discuss on this thread?

Ron Bailey

 2004/7/15 10:36Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318


Please, dear Ron, allow Mr. Katz to talk for the sake of knowing in which direction the thread is intended.
Obstructing themes and treads are quite common.
You are not known to create unnecessary diversions, dear Ron.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/7/15 10:40Profile

Joined: 2003/7/18
Posts: 6566
Reading, UK


Dear Lars
the whole concept of a 'forum' (or market place) is discussion. If a man lays a false foundation how can I follow the direction the thread will take unless I examine the foundation. As far as the paragraphs posted indicate Art is laying a foundation for his building. Nothing is as important as this foundation. However, the foundation that is being laid has, as far as I can see, no foundation in scripture. The whole concept of territorial spirits is without scriptural justification.

If Art says, 'the Lord has shown me...' I will listen to him as possibly prophetic, but if he 'the Bible says' I will challenge that assertion if I feel it is error.

It is this false understanding of Territorial Spirits that has spawned 'Spiritual Warfare Seminars','Prayer Strategists', and many other novelties. I challenge them because I see no foundation for them in the scripture. My simple response to all such evangelical/charismatic trends is To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. (Isa 8:20 KJV)

I have no wish to be a spoiler but I think, as a Christian, I have a responsibility to challenge public declarations that have no basis in scripture.

Ron Bailey

 2004/7/15 11:06Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318


Brother Ron,

In a market place one takes a good look at the whole product drawing conclusions when the item is carefully studied.
Neither Art nor I subscribe to the modern general subject of territorial spirits.
I have spent some 20 years in the prayer movement hand have studied these concepts carefully – and this is precisely why I do not want to allow this tread or any other which I am involved in to develop along those lines – they bear no fruit.
We have had too many items brought up recently ending in confusion. I do not want this one to be pushed in the same direction.

Lars Widerberg

 2004/7/15 11:26Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


In a market place one takes a good look at the whole product drawing conclusions when the item is carefully studied.

Very well stated brother Lars, but Ron does have a point that things posted in the forums have the possibility of being commented on and thats what brings the extra blessing to putting articles in the forums. Maybe it would be profitable for you to post the rest of the pieces for this subject and allow us to read mr Katz through and then give our conjectures if any.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2004/7/15 12:26Profile

Joined: 2003/6/22
Posts: 3318


Dear Friends,
I do not deny anyone the right to comment and discuss. On the contrary. . .
Too many discussions have taken a non-profitable course simply because people cannot wait patiently to hear arguments.
Rather, certain trigger words or sentences pull a mind in a direction which is not implied by the author.
Quoting Ephesians 6:12 or 3:10 does not mean subscribing to certain interpretations.
Perhaps this item by Katz holds a view which provokes the ones who are fond of shouting at principalities and powers. One never knows.
I will post the rest of the item.
Blessings to all of you. . .

Lars Widerberg

 2004/7/15 12:44Profile

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