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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : PRAY for America

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Joined: 2008/6/1
Posts: 79
Moscow, PA

 Re: Pray


I go back to the first thing I said on here, and say again Pray for America!! We need not argue about that, we know America is in trouble, and we as Christians better get serious and start praying!!


 2008/10/11 15:02Profile

Joined: 2008/2/29
Posts: 49

 Re: PRAY for America

I pray and will continue to pray earnestly for our beloved nation, first for a move of God's mighty spirit upon us, granting such a mighty spiritual awakening to so many that are lost and dying and so causing the moral fiber of this nation to be turned around. Of course our trust is in the Lord, He alone can deliver this nation, we know no elected official has the power to do it, but its important that we do what we can not to allow him to further bring our homeland into further moral decay. We still have to live here. If we remain indifferent our freedoms will be taken away from us, our rights to speak freely from the pulpits, to homeschool our children if we so chose, what is broadcasted on christian radio will be restricted, little innocent babies will continue to be killed daily,to name a few. Much harm came to other nations in history when their citizens remained silent. We have a God given responsibility to pray for our nation and be a good and involved citizen.
Please, stop this back and forthing and do as the Lord commands us...PRAY. Is there not a cause?!

 2008/10/17 8:34Profile

Joined: 2008/10/9
Posts: 143
Ohio, USA

 Re: PRAY for America

My wife & I are praying & fasting for America.

We desire for God to turn the hearts of our people (USA) back to Him.

He may or may not use judgement to do this in America.

I could be incorrect is saying this:

[i][b]There was only one prophet who wanted God to bring judgement and that was Jonah. God wanted mercy. But also He wanted their hearts and the Lord got both![/b][/i]

May the Lord get to show mercy to America & may He get the hearts of the people too!

 2008/10/17 10:13Profile

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