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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : My wife...

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congratulations too brother, praise God.

 2009/11/18 2:27


Thank you all for your prayers and support.

As of Wednesday, November 18 at 12:50 pm, we became the grateful parents of an ever so cute (beautiful too) 5.6 lb baby girl.

I didn't leave Mira's side and helped with the delivery (the doctor wasn't there until late and they ended up doing a 'vacuum extraction'), but I thank God for enabling her to go through such an ordeal.

Thank God for women!

I will bring momma and daughter home Friday after a couple of days of rest. For now, off to work...

Thanks again and thank God.

 2009/11/18 18:37

Joined: 2008/6/4
Posts: 46
Austin, Texas


So glad to hear that it all went well and that Mom and baby are okay. Praise the LORD and congratulations! :)

Lori Jean Mooney

 2009/11/18 18:50Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


How wonderful, brother! Congratulations to you and your wife!!!



 2009/11/18 19:15Profile

Joined: 2004/11/21
Posts: 362
Tulsa OK


Congratulations BrianMira!
May God bless the baby!


 2009/11/18 19:28Profile

Joined: 2009/6/14
Posts: 703


Praise the Lord! And Congratulations, BrianMira. You are now embarking on a new phase of your lives as parents. Remember to raise little Briana as we are taught in God's Word. :-)

 2009/11/18 20:33Profile

 Re: My wife ...

Hi Brian and Mira,


Glad to hear you are all safe and sound, despite the mechanical assistance at the end.

May you [i]all[/i] get some rest now... :-)

Please give Mira love and congratulations. I pray for an uneventful recovery, and that the baby quickly gets the hang of feeding regularly.

I praise God for His faithfulness to you all.

 2009/11/18 20:40

Joined: 2009/2/10
Posts: 49

 Re: My wife...

My wife and I found out we were pregnant not too long ago, shortly after, we found out she had a cyst on her ovary... Immediately worried we visited the doctor with no insurance, that was covered later we found out. We found out their are 2 types of cysts, ones that go away by themselves, and ones that don't. More common are the ones that go away by themselves, which, praise God, is the ones she had. We found out about a week or so ago her cyst is completely gone!

Lucas Hughes

 2009/11/18 21:56Profile

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534


Congratulations, Brian and Mira! May God's wisdom and grace be upon you all as you raise this precious child for Him!

This entire process of conception, birth is awesome! God's fingerprints are all over this, don't you think? It will lift your heart and mind in praise to the wonderful mind that could even conceived of such a wonderful process! Yes, God deserves all our praise!


Sandra Miller

 2009/11/18 22:53Profile

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