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PaulWest wrote:
I'll be keeping you and your wife in my prayers. My wife is pregnant right now, and she's going through an extremely hard pregnancy.

Brother, the Lord will see us through no matter what happens, just like the Lord will see you and your precious wife though - [i]no matter what happens.[/i] In the face of barreness and complications the strength of our Lord shines forth like the sun. There's something about barreness and difficult pregnacies (or not being able to conceive) that God uses to show His strength; whether it be with Abraham and barren Sarah, Jacob and barren Rachel, Jabez's painful birth, Hannah's barreness (the mother of Samuel), Manoah's barren wife (the mother of Samson), Elisha and the barren Shunammite, Elizabeth's barreness (John the Baptist's mother), and of course, the most miraculous birth of all which is our Lord coming forth from a virgin womb.

So, you see, we're in good company...and even better Hands.


Brother Paul

AMEN... I see that to be so true. You are in my

BrianMira (if anyone likes proper pronunciations in prayer, it is MeRa...or, me, me, in me,myself, and I...although, God knows who you are praying for)

Thank you all.

 2008/10/1 5:58



Rivqah wrote:
Praying for your wives Paul and Brian.... It was so bad I wanted to drive off a bridge and even thought about it as I was driving myself to the hospital. ... God knows though how much you can endure and will not suffer you to be tempted above what you can bear.(1 Cor. 10:13)

Thank you, Rivqah. Some of this has caused some tension in our home and has given us both ideas similar to that, even without babies. Thankfully, we have God first in both of our lives, so we know who to turn to and lean on when neither of us knows the answer.

 2008/10/1 6:02



PaulWest wrote:
God is in total control, and God is in control of Brian and his wife too.


 2008/10/1 6:04



Theophila wrote:
oral contraceptives especially for a short period a good strategy.

...oppossed to condoms?


Since she's in such discomfort, I wouldn't ignore it as usual pain relievers mayn't help her.
Bottom line: please explore the docs recommendation.

I agree.


Neither of you can really understand how your wives feel but the One who knows is more than able to give you peace.


I agree. What we need is His peace.

Thank you also for your suggestions.

 2008/10/1 6:10



consecrateme wrote:

I know this can be very "scary" but days before the surgery the Lord gave me this verse one day sitting at church. Mark 5:34 He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

I had such peace the Lord gave me. May the Lord guide and take control over this situation. Praying for you and your wife.

Yeah, this is a little scary...especially the possibility of not being able to have any babies...


 2008/10/1 6:13



Rivqah wrote:
Please keep Brian and Paul's wives in prayer. Their wives are going through very rough pregnancies and I'm sure they could use some prayer too.

Just to clear up any misunderstanding...Paul's wife is pregnant and going through a rough period. My wife is not pregnant, although she is having a rough time with her period... :-(

Although, we hope to have a baby, God willing.

 2008/10/1 6:20



Roniya wrote:
It might be helpful to look into some natural remedies that might be more effective in healing than the traditional medical route.

My wife and I have experimented with this route and are hopefully going to find something, even if it is for regular healthy living.


I'm certainly not very knowledgeable on this topic... neither, but with everyone's help here, I am definately learning.


but I do know that there is hope too..we'll look into your suggestions.


I'll be praying for both ladies to find healing and relief from their sufferings.

Thank you. You are appreciated.

We will take Joy any day of the week.

 2008/10/1 6:37



Rivqah wrote:
God is very merciful.

I wish I had not complained so much while I was going through that. It probably would have wrought a much greater work in me spiritually.

Yes, He is. One of my prayers is that my wife does 'not complain so much'... or rather, that I have more patience. It seems that I get the blunt end most of the time, which fortunately leads me to more prayer...but i admit that I get pushed to the end of my rope sometimes.

 2008/10/1 6:44



ccchhhrrriiisss wrote:

Thank you, Chris...

 2008/10/1 6:46



Rivqah wrote:
It's very difficult when women cannot take care of thier families they way they need to be cared for and do the basic things you need to do. It makes you feel like such a failure.

I know you wrote this to Paul, but it is quite applicable to our situation as well. My wife has had stress because of her new job...which I will get into in a moment, once I respond to everyone....

 2008/10/1 6:50

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