Thank u! So much for this wow!
Sister, I can see that you are very serious in getting this right but I believe you already know that it was definitely from the Lord. If so does it matter if it fits the exact experience others have or not? We are individually made and the Bible leaves room for that, there's not necessarily a right or wrong way to groan in the spirit. You responded to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and that is wonderful. My personal experience is that sometimes in prayer weeping will come upon me in a way that is very different from natural crying. It feels as if my mind is disconnected in the sense that it is not my own personal pain or sad situation. It almost seems like I am watching myself doing this in amazement, yet I cry hard and sob loud like a little child, something I never do out of my own hurt or grief. Groaning can be part of this too and it is audible. I always interpreted Rom 8:26 as to meaning that the groaning are prayers that can not be put into words, audible or not makes no difference if you stop to think about it. Hope this is helpful in some way.
Dear Brother Greg,I know Im not the original poster of this thread, but I just wanted to say that I listened to the teaching that you recommended by Gerhard Du Toit and read the article by C.H. Spurgeon, and I found them to be a real blessing, so I just wanted to say thank you. Blessings to you