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 America's Golden Calf Is Coming Down! ~ David Wilkerson

Could this be what David Wilkerson prophesied?

 2008/9/17 14:23

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: America's Golden Calf Is Coming Down! ~ David Wilkerson


[b]America's Golden Calf Is Coming Down![/b]
[i]by David Wilkerson
June 22, 1998[/i]

For some time I have prophesied that America is about to be stricken with an economic holocaust. Now, lately, I've become convinced that one of two scenarios could take place:

There could be a sudden "warning blowout" - perhaps a 1,000- or more point drop in the stock market. After a brief period of alarm, the market may rebound. When it does, investors will convince themselves it has made a correction. And once again the general outlook will be, "The sky's the limit!"
Tragically, this attitude will lead to a kind of euphoria never before seen in America. There could be wild economic speculating - and it could shoot the market into the stratosphere.

On the other hand, the stock market or bond markets may dive overnight with no rebound at all. If so, we would see a daily retreat among investors - because everyone will recognize America has been hit with a full-blown market crash. At that point, total panic will set in. And we'll know our nation has entered a period of divine judgment - because we'll take a precipitous, sudden slide into chaos.
What is the reason for this judgment? It will come as God's wrath upon a nation that has shed rivers of innocent blood! In the Old Testament, the prophets warned the nation of Judah that judgment would come because of just such blood-shedding.

"Surely at the commandment of the Lord came this upon Judah, to remove them out of his sight, for the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he did; and also for the innocent blood that he shed: for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; which the Lord would not pardon" (2 Kings 24:3-4).

Manasseh's blood-shedding was only a tiny rivulet compared to the ocean of blood shed by abortionists in America. Add to that the blood of thousands of innocent people killed by drunk drivers, gunfire, murder. Then add the blood of children killed by other children - innocent lives cut down by those who have no sense of right or wrong.

The Bible makes it clear: God will not pardon the shedding of innocent blood. He will send judgment!

The Lord Is Shaking the
World All Around Us!

Right now, a divine shaking is taking place around the globe:

Indonesia's economy has crumbled. When that nation's leader, Suharto, resigned under pressure, the rupiah collapsed, sending the 13,700 - island empire into a depression. In just six months, Indonesia went from unprecedented prosperity to utter ruin and chaos.
South Korea is slipping even deeper into a depression. And Japan is sinking further into its deep financial hole. At last count, eight of that nation's highest-ranking financial leaders had committed suicide. And now a shaking has begun in Thailand.
Russia is about to default on its international loans. Multitudes of workers haven't been paid in months. And now, as the depression spreads, a revolution is brewing.
Argentina, Brazil and Mexico all are in deep financial trouble. Mexico is experiencing a severe drought, which has contributed to that nation's raging forest fires. The clouds of smoke have covered the skies of Texas and other western states.
Please hear me - this is not all just doomsday talk from a disconsolate preacher. These are facts. You can read about them in any newspaper from the past several months. God is shaking the world all around us - and soon he's going to shake America worse than he's shaken these nations. Why? We have shed more innocent blood!

I've brought up this scenario before, but it bears repeating here: One day soon, when the crash strikes suddenly and fear spreads across the nation, the President will stand silently in the Oval Office, staring out the window. He'll be panic-stricken - at a complete loss for words - because of the economic upheaval.

Finally, he'll turn to his gathering of advisers - the leaders of our nation, including the chairman of the Federal Reserve - and he'll ask: "What happened? How did it all come crashing down? And what can we do now?"

His questions will be met with stony silence. No one will be able to explain what caused the panic. Instead, everyone will wonder aloud, "The indicators were all positive. Inflation was under control. The economy was on track. It just doesn't make sense."

Beloved, America is facing God's judgment - and we will never be the same! In the days to come, literally hundreds of thousands of Americans will lose their homes. Why? They've leveraged them with equity loans, so they could play the stock market and try to strike it rich!

Right now, 43 million Americans are deeply invested in the market, with $1 ½ to 2 trillion committed by individual investors. Thousands of these investors have actually quit their jobs so they can stay at home and play the market on their computers.

I tell you, the stock market has become America's golden calf! People see it as a financial savior, and they worship it daily - trusting in it, depending on it, giving it all their energy and attention. But it's going to fall suddenly - and none of the small, individual investors will be spared. They'll suffer the most, losing their homes, their cars - everything!

In the wake of the crash, we're going to see a wave of "assisted suicides." The masses who were driven by money and success won't be able to endure the failure and poverty they face. Many will opt for suicide - including corporate leaders.

Yet the coming judgment won't mean the end of American society. It will, however, mean a severe humbling of our nation, through a long, terrifying period of chaotic conditions - including rioting, looting and burning in our major cities.

I must ask you: Are you prepared for what is coming? If not, are you acting now to get ready? When I speak of being ready, where do your thoughts take you? Do you think immediately of investments, bank accounts, survival plans, safety for your family?

In the past months, our ministry's offices have been inundated with newsletters and prophetic warnings suggesting how Christians can prepare for dark times. However, most of these messages concern personal safety and survival. They advise, "Stockpile dried foods, long-burning candles, kerosene lanterns, warm clothes, blankets, medical supplies, a battery-powered radio..."

I don't have a problem with anyone who chooses to do these things. After all, scripture tells us the prudent person prepares for a time of crisis. I think of the patriarch Joseph, who wisely spent seven years preparing for a prophesied famine.

But there is a problem underlying such approaches to the coming chaos. Indeed, if there is one thing God despises, it is when his children face the future with fear. It angers him to see believers panicking, stockpiling, hoarding, hiding - in fear and distrust of our heavenly father's care.

Of course, God often hides his people in times of chaos. Jesus himself warned the citizens of Jerusalem to flee when they saw the Chaldeans approaching. And God has been faithful to hide persecuted Christians throughout history. In this century, he hid many Jews during Hitler's awful purges, often using Christians to do so. The Hiding Place is a wonderful, modern-day story of God's keeping power in this regard.

Yet I believe it is much more important today for American Christians to focus on spiritual preparation - or, spiritual "hiding" - before the coming storm hits. Let me tell you why.

The Coming Chaos Is Going
To Open to the Church -
Ministry Opportunities -
Beyond Any We've Ever Seen!

If you've studied the history of revivals in America, you may know about the "laymen's revival" of the 1850s. It began in a church in downtown New York City. A lay Christian started a noon prayer meeting at the church, and right away the sanctuary was filled. Moreover, the meetings were marked by fervent praying and weeping.

Why did these meetings draw great crowds in such a short time? It was because most of those in attendance were the suddenly unemployed, panic-stricken workers and businessmen who'd lost their jobs overnight because of a stock-market crash. At that time, there was no societal safety net in place - no Social Security, no unemployment checks, no insurance. These out-of-work men were afraid - so they turned to prayer.

Most churches in New York City at the time had abandoned any prayer meetings. But soon they had to open their doors again, due to the many requests from troubled people who had no one to turn to. Likewise, in the chaotic days ahead, multitudes of Americans will be driven to prayer out of sheer desperation. Here at Times Square Church, we're preparing to hold prayer meetings every day of the week.

I believe that when the coming storm hits with full fury, and the nation is reeling with panic and fear, people will flee all false gospels and feel-good churches. Christians will forget about gospel entertainment and Christian TV, and they'll start demanding hard truth. They'll flock to hear godly pastors, demanding the true word of God. Their cry will be, "Who will preach to us a prophetic, life-changing word?"

I've been asked many times, "Do you believe we'll see a great revival in these last days - especially during the hard times you say are coming?"

Yes, you can be sure a great revival is coming. But it won't be what we think of as revival today. No one will be laughing or making animal noises in that fierce day of reckoning. No, the only kind of revival that will meet the needs of this society - shaken to its core with fear and terror - will be a revival of Holy Ghost-sent truth!

God's Answer to Every Apostasy,
Crisis, Turmoil and Chaotic Time
Is Always This: A Fresh Revelation
of the Risen Christ!

When the Holy Ghost moves in, what will be the manifestations of his work? Jesus identified the ministry of the Holy Spirit as follows:

"The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you" (John 14:26). "When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth..." (16:13).

Jesus says the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of truth - and he bears witness only to truth. He won't bear witness to any erroneous gospel or fleshly manifestation. He is wedded to the cross - to the gospel of grace that teaches us to forsake iniquity. And he will bear witness to the truth that emanates from Christ's work on the cross.

Sadly, many charismatic Christians today talk much about being Spirit-filled - but they are totally bankrupt of truth. They're not intimate with Christ - and so they don't know how to draw on his strength in truth. They don't tremble at the truth of his word. They don't know how to walk in his resurrection power or live wholly dependent on him. Instead, they twist, manipulate and misinterpret his word to accommodate their flesh.

Jesus said we are not to tremble in fear at the awful things coming upon our nation. But we are to tremble in holy reverence for God's word: " this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word" (Isaiah 66:2).

Samson Represents Ministries And
Ministers Who Revel in The Holy
Spirit's Power - But Who Lightly
Esteem the Spirit of Truth!

Samson was a man wholly unprepared for the crisis his generation suffered. He misused his gifts and squandered the power the Holy Spirit gave him. And I believe his failure and fall are a lesson meant especially for the church in these last days.

When Samson was born, Israel was poverty-stricken, in bondage and deep affliction, because "the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord..." (Judges 3:7). But God raised up Samson to be a deliverer in this time of ruin and despair. Scripture tells us, "The Spirit of the Lord began to move him..." (13:25) at a young age. The Hebrew word for "move" here means "a regular stirring." In other words, God's Spirit stirred Samson continually.

Indeed, Samson was called from birth to be a Nazarite. The word "Nazarite" means "to separate, consecrate, abstain." In short, Samson was appointed to lead a holy, separated life - never cutting his hair, never drinking wine or any intoxicating beverage, never going near a dead body, even if it was that of a close relative. He was being set apart for use by the Holy Spirit, and therefore he was to be a totally consecrated vessel.

We know the Holy Spirit moved on Samson long before he began his ministry to Israel. Yet how did the Spirit the manifest himself in Samson? Peter tells us, "...holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (2 Peter 1:21). Whatever physical manifestations occurred in the Old Testament, they were always accompanied by God's Spirit speaking in and through people.

As the Holy Ghost moved on Samson, the Spirit surely confirmed to him the word he was taught in childhood. And the Spirit's stirrings constantly reminded Samson that the secret to his power lay in his total dependency on the Lord. Only through the Holy Ghost would he be able to remain separated and to keep his eyes on his calling.

The fact is, God would never send out a man to do a needed work of power without first teaching him the manner in which the Spirit would work upon him. So Samson knew full well he had to stay under the covering of the Spirit of truth - remaining consecrated and abstaining from wickedness - in order to minister the Spirit's power.

Yet we know from Samson's life he had a driving lust - an overwhelming passion for "strange" women. He first had a relationship with a forbidden Canaanite, then with a harlot in Gaza and finally with the prostitute Delilah. Simply put, Samson had a terrible sexual addiction.

Of course, the Holy Ghost was fully aware of Samson's propensity to lust. And as the Spirit stirred Samson, he would have made known to him the truth Paul would express in the New Testament: "...if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live" (Romans 8:13). God's Spirit always speaks to people troubled by sin, urging them, "Trust in me! I'll show you the way to overcoming victory."

Samson had access to all the power of the Holy Spirit to lead a holy life. But he ignored the Spirit's voice. And he made this his first mission: "Samson...saw a woman in Timnath...and told his father and his mother...get her for me..." (Judges 14:1-2).

Samson Dared to Use the Power
of the Holy Ghost Without Submission
to the Spirit of Truth - and
the Result Was Mere Theatrics!

Like Satan, Samson "...abode not in the truth..." (John 8:44). And anyone who dares to use the Holy Ghost's power apart from his truth will end up performing only theatrics.

When Samson visited the harlot in Gaza, the Gazites fenced him in and waited to capture him. Then something supernatural happened: "Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and the two posts, and went away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, and carried them up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron" (Judges 16:3).

What a feat of strength! Samson's act was without doubt a demonstration of supernatural power. Yet, in truth, it amounted to nothing more than theatrics. It was played out before a sleeping city of unconcerned heathen - with no victory won, no bondages broken, no deliverance wrought. As I read the passage, I wonder, "What was that all about? What was the purpose?"

Likewise today, many so-called revivals are played out before a world that remains untouched and unaffected by such demonstrations. You see, whenever the Spirit of truth does not receive preeminence, all displays of supernatural power - signs, wonders, manifestations - end up being empty theatrics.

You may ask, "But, Brother Dave - don't you believe in manifestations by the Spirit?" I surely do. But if any manifestation is not founded on the Spirit of truth, its power is to no avail. Only the truth sets souls free!

Think of how little Samson accomplished in his ministry by all his demonstrations of power to no real purpose: He killed a lion with his bare hands. He trapped 300 foxes and tied their tails together. He burned down some fields and fruit trees. Yet no one was delivered by any of these acts.

The tragic fact of Samson's life is clear: He totally failed in his mission. After twenty years of his ministry, Israel was in as great a bondage as when Samson started.

Saul is another example of this. He was "slain by the Spirit," lay prostrate before God and prophesied. But in the end, it was all theatrics. Why? Saul had no change of heart. All those manifestations were wasted, because Saul wouldn't subject himself to the Spirit of truth. To use Paul's phrase, Saul was "destitute of the truth" (1 Timothy 6:5).

Beloved, the power of the Holy Ghost rests in God's word - indeed, in his cross: "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Many pastors and evangelists today have no interest in seeking the Spirit of truth. They think they can call on the Holy Ghost at any time to come down and sweep away all the powers of hell. But these people won't be prepared for the dark times that are coming!

The only manifestations we'll see when the storm hits will be men and women falling to their knees in awe and fear of God's word. They'll be slain by the piercing, convicting, soul-cleansing preaching that comes from the Spirit of truth!

God Knows What Is Coming -
And He Knows the Exact Hour When
America's Chastening Will Begin!

The Lord already knows how people will react to the coming storm. They'll be panic-stricken and full of fear. After all, Jesus warned that a time would come that's so frightening, people's hearts would fail due to the fear and stress.

Yet even in exercising his judgment, God always extends his tender mercy. He works far ahead of time, making plans for his people and stirring his true shepherds. Indeed, today - while most of America focuses on its prosperity - God is waking a holy remnant in the church. These saints are on their faces, seeking him with all their strength and crying out for a true word from the Spirit of truth. And I believe the Spirit is revealing Christ to them with a glory beyond that of any past generation!

In recent months, our ministry has received hundreds of letters from pastors and believers who are repulsed by most of what they see in the church: hype, foolishness, entertainment, shallow preaching. They're crying out, "Enough! We're tired of seeing our pastors go to conventions and return only to introduce some new gimmick. We're sick of seeing the flesh accommodated. We're hungry for truth! We want to hear preaching that convicts us and challenges us to holiness and prayer."

Believer, you can rest assured - in the coming days of calamity, the true revival won't come through showboating, big-time preachers or TV evangelists. It won't come through prosperity teachings or other doctrines of false security. No - God's revival will come through a hidden company of pastors and lay people who have been in the school of Christ, learning his ways and trusting in him. These will lead a revival of truth!

I believe we're already seeing signs of the Spirit's work as he breaks up the fallow ground in America in preparation for this revival. The Op-Ed (Opinion and Editorial), page of the New York Times, May 24, 1998, featured an article titled "Coming - the Most Religious Century." The article reported the following:

Norman Mailer, the renowned pagan and liberal writer, has declared, "Religion, to me, is now the last frontier."
Vaclav Havel, the famous Czech writer and leader, calls America "the most atheistic society in the history of the world." Yet both he and Mailer agree that our nation is on the brink of the most religious period in its history.
Most amazing of all, Mailer and Havel are predicting a return not just to any religion, but specifically to Judaism and Christianity. They predict even scientists will yearn for faith.

Of course, they're right - the age of reason and science has failed to satisfy humanity's need for peace. Socialism has failed...communism has failed...politics has failed...the new age has failed. And now even the most successful people in our society are crying out, "There has to be more to life than this!"

Yet not everyone is going to want truth. Many will turn to unbridled lust. Indeed, our society could see Sodom replayed a hundred times over. But as our nation poises on the brink of chaos, many Americans will begin to seek truth, answers, life.

As for me, I want to face the coming times as "...a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). I believe that's the way we're to prepare for the days ahead - by girding our loins with truth (see Ephesians 6:14).

I urge you: Ask the Lord to prepare you - his way - for the day America's golden calf comes down. Seek his Spirit of truth in your secret closet. Learn to recognize his voice above all the worldly clamor going on in his church. Then you'll truly be prepared to face the coming storm!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2008/9/17 14:28Profile


Yes, I have to wonder too. I don't know some of these prophets I'm listing below and we should not think everything that is prophesied is true at all until it comes to pass but to just be ready.

[url=]Harold Eatmon[/url] prophesied that he saw TWO BLACK MONDAYS:

"Harold Eatmon ...I saw the Stock Market soar and then crash. After the [first] crash, many big business corporations and private parties bought up stocks because of the low cost to buy in. Then I saw the market begin to climb again in a short period of time. Then it crashed again bringing tremendous loss, ruin, and devastation to all who bought in the first time. This is what I have labeled "Two Black Mondays." The time period between the Two Black Mondays was very close together. I could not tell exactly how close. It could be a couple of days to a couple of months. There are some tell-tale signs indicating the season and the setting. *I saw the season to be when 'the leaves fall to the ground' then the first crash would occur. *I also saw the Yen fall dramatically just before this sudden and inexplicable crash."

Stephen Hanson …"You will see the stock market crash more than it did during the deep depression."

Thomas Gibson …"You stand on the verge of the greatest destruction of the economy of this earth. …When the great crash (in America) occurs, it (the World Economy) shall come down. You stand on the verge of the greatest economic collapse in the history of mankind."

Robert Holmes …"There will shortly come a time when Wall Street will collapse. No longer shored up by public confidence, it will swagger under the weight of national debt. On a day of frenzied trading, it shall tumble the nation into turmoil and depression. The attention of the creditor nations will be drawn to America. I saw a time of conferences and meetings, international concern and intervention by prominent international organizations in domestic economics and affairs. For the first time in US history, international organizations will intervene in domestic affairs. I saw international troops on US soil. A national economic crisis, and localized crises will be announced, and utilizing certain powers, the US President will call FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) into action. You will see Black Helicopters on television and this will be a sign. When she (America) is weakest, a set of disasters will befall the nation."

David Wilkerson …"The great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America. The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless. …America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America -- and this nation will be no more."

I will not believe anything until I see it happen or the Lord reveals it to me but I just think that we should be on gaurd and pray.

""...I have sought the Lord diligently about my responsibility to my congregation at Times Square Church concerning the coming crash. I prayed for weeks about what I should do to prepare them for the difficult days ahead. One day I took a walk along a quiet country road, so I could be alone with the Lord to discern his voice. I started my walk at about dusk, and there was a bright moon overhead. As I walked along, I began to think about what I believe is coming...

"A few years before the Gulf War, I warned there would be five hundred fires burning in the Middle East. Most people winked at my words. But as a result of the war, there were precisely five hundred and three fires consuming Kuwaiti oil wells, all set aflame by Saddam Hussein. That and many other warnings I've received have come to pass. So these days I listen intently when the Lord is speaking to me about coming events.

"On the country road that night, I was seeing in my mind's eye New York City burning in flames. I saw more than a thousand fires burning at one time - an image I had seen before. There were riots, bloodshed, tanks rolling into the streets, troops wielding rifles in an attempt to restore order. People were mobbing grocery stores for provisions, looting merchants, raging out of control. I realized that when riots come, there will be no food left in grocery stores. Computer disasters will affect their jobs and paychecks. Violence on the streets could keep them shut up in their homes, perhaps for weeks.

"I became so overwhelmed at these thoughts that I had to grab onto a rail fence to support myself. I started weeping, crying out to the Lord, 'Oh, God, how can I prepare these devoted people for such devastation? They all can't just pick up everything and flee the city. Most have no car, no transportation and little income. They struggle just to pay rent and buy subway tokens, much less to buy hideaways in Vermont or Montana. They have no family outside the city, no hiding place, very little space to lay up supplies for emergencies. Most live in cramped apartments that are already overcrowded with the bare essentials. Please, Father - give us a word, a plan of survival. What can I do as a pastor? You've told me to warn them about what's coming. Why can't you give me your plan for preserving us? What do you want me to tell your people?'

"The Lord heard my cry, and he gave me a comforting word. He whispered to my heart, 'David, you're seeing this whole matter from your point of view. Let me show you mine.'"

(From Chapter Three - "Preparing for Hard Times")"

-David Wilkerson

 2008/9/17 15:01


"...I was given a prophetic message nine years ago, and I delivered it at Times Square Church on September 7, 1992. Let me share it with you now:

"This warning is not meant to scare you. It's meant only for you to take to the Lord and pray. This is what I believe God has shown me":

"Thirty days of chastisement will fall on New York City such as the world has never seen. God is going to let down the walls. There will be unimaginable violence and looting. The violence will be so ferocious, it will shock the whole world. Our streets will be lined not just with the National Guard but with militia".

"A thousand fires will burn at the same time throughout the city. The Los Angeles fires were confined to a few sections of that city, but New York will be ablaze in all its boroughs. Times Square will be ablaze, and the flames will ascend into heaven and be seen for miles. Fire trucks will not be able to handle it all".

"Trains and buses will be shut down. Billions of dollars will be lost. Broadway shows will stop completely. Businesses will flee the city in an unstoppable hemorrhage. Such things are expected in Third World countries, but not in a civilized nation like the United States. Yet, in not too long a time afterward, New York City will go completely bankrupt. The Queen City will be cast into the dirt, becoming a city of poverty".

"You may ask, when will all this happen? All I can say is, I believe I will be here when it happens. Yet, when it does, God's people are not to panic or fear."

Calls and messages have flooded our ministry offices, asking, "Was the terrorist attack on September 11 the calamity you were prophesying back in 1992?" No, not at all. What I saw coming will be much more severe. Indeed, if America rejects God's call to turn back to him, we'll face the same judgments Israel faced. And they will hit not only New York but every region in the country. Even the heartland won't be spared. The nation's economy will collapse, and violence will erupt. Fires will consume our cities, and tanks will rumble through the streets.

Perhaps you wonder, as I have, "Can any of this be avoided?" Yes, absolutely. I believe we'll be given a reprieve if our President proves to be a Josiah. You may well remember Josiah as the king who sought the Lord with all his heart. We all should pray that God would give our President the same spirit that Josiah had, to tremble at his Word. The Lord spoke the following to Josiah:

"Behold, I will bring evil upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof...because they have forsaken me, and have (worshipped) other gods...But [say] to the king of Judah which sent you to enquire of the Lord...Because thine heart was tender, and thou hast humbled thyself before the Lord, and thou heardest what I spake against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, that they should become a desolation and a curse...I also have heard thee, saith the Lord. Behold therefore...thine eyes shall not see all the evil which I will bring upon this place" (2 Kings 22:15-20).

God told the king, in essence, "As long as you're in power, trembling at my Word and relying on me, you won't see the judgments to come. They won't happen during your reign."

I believe our window of opportunity to respond to God's call is brief. We all should pray that our nation repents and turns back to the Lord. But our most intense prayers should be for our own hearts: "Lord, let me tremble not at the disasters, but at your Word. I want to hear your voice in all of this. Cause me to turn wholly to you."

 2008/9/17 20:14

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