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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Need evangelist

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Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Need evangelist

Praying for someone to present the gospel in a visit to my pastor’s dieing father in a [u]Northumberland, Pennsylvania nursing home[/u]. Per my pastor, “He is an iron worker, over 90, life long Lutheran who has done many good things all his life. He acknowledged the great change in me after I was born again but still says he doesn’t get it: “You expect me to believe that you will get to heaven with your past and I won’t/before I will, when all my life I have done ...” His father is alert, oriented, etc., just frail and decided to stop eating or drinking after an injury.

What my pastor has seen in unusual growth in prayer lately at our church plus the message God gave him for last Sunday (persevering prayer) and the years of his prayer for his father (wax and wane) brings this forward. “I think it would take a miracle, like a Chaplain or someone because he won’t hear me.” (Pastor in Washington State)

Pray God sends someone and that he hears and believes the Word.

(If someone knows someone drawn to go, pm/e-mail me for specifics, and phone number of my pastor)

[edit: the father's name is Harry]

 2008/9/17 1:13Profile

Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952

 Re: Need evangelist

Father,You are Merciful.
Send someone to this man.
Open his heart to receive Jesus Christ.
In Jesus Name.

 2008/9/17 10:01Profile

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