In a new article posted on the Christian Today website we see some great commentary from Todd Nettleton about what is happening in Iran. Click [url=]here[/url] for the full article. Excerpt follows:Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs explains. "The people look around, they see the poverty, they see the discontent, they're not happy so they have questions. Why isn't it working out, we're doing it the Islamic way, why isn't our country great? So, they are ripe to hear a new way," Nettleton said. The CBN correspondent goes on to say the new way many are embracing is Christianity. "But the faith is not new to Iran," he says, adding: "The gospel actually arrived here 500 years before Islam. Persians are believed to have been among those in Jerusalem at Pentecost." Less than one half of one percent of the Iranian population is Christian, said Lane.
Surprizing, but the gospel is returning to theMiddle East; the place of its origin. Manymissionaries have pledged to try to win the hearts and minds of the Islamic people to the saving grace of Christ !!
_________________Martin G. Smith