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 to find balance?

Curious to see what others think and do for there personal devotional time? Is there really such a thing in the bible...a daily set time? Should we be more liberal in our approach to our quite time? Not so rigid.

I get up early before work to have my reading and some prayer time, I have to set my alarm obviously to do so. This I found is the best time for me, would I like to sleep in longer...Yes. But having two boys and wife and having our daily family duties, dinner, dishes, baths and so forth and on top of that it can get pretty loud around here. Sometimes I find this mundane rising early. But that again seems my best choice of true quite time.

What do you all do and have you struggled with your set time becoming mundane. For I fear that the sin of self righteousness and religion could sneak up on you if you are not watchful.


 2008/9/4 6:27

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: to find balance?

Well, I have a time of prayer and Bible reading before the daily routine starts. If I didn't, I don't know what time in the day I would pray.

If during the day, I get another chance to pray, then I will.

But, as for getting religious and self-righteous, then we would be in right standing with Daniel.

Daniel 6v10, '..and in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since his early days.

Daniel had a custom that he followed. Was he wrong to have a set time to pray to God everyday.

Don't we have breakfast, lunch and dinner mostly at a set time every day? So why not have a set time to feast on the word of God and spend time in prayer?

For me, that time is God's time. All time is God's anyway, so, it's good to spend it with Him.

God bless.

 2008/9/4 6:54Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 926


For the last year my schedule has been pretty consistent, though I sometimes wish it were more robust.

I try to get seven hours of sleep. This helps me focus in the morning without squandering hours. If I'm sick, I get eight.

After getting up, brushing teeth, etc., I like to grab something to drink. This also helps me stay alert during reading.

I usually read for 45 minutes, straight through the bible. I look especially for things that would motivate prayer - a passage about someone who fell because of pride shows me to pray for humility.

Next, I pray for about 30 minutes. I use the Lord's prayer as a skeleton upon which I put the meat of my own situations.

*Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. - Praising God and honoring Him. Thanking Him for His sovereign power and paternal love.

*Thy Kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven. - I ask the Lord to come quickly and sweep away the sins against Him in the world. To reveal His final authority over men. To sanctify the Church, who are the present Kingdom of Christ on earth. To extend the gospel to others yet unsaved. For the leaders to be guided, and for other personal matters.

*Give us this day our daily bread - I thank God for my health and supplies, and ask Him to provide for the Church worldwide; for persecuted people. For spiritual food in the word.

*Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us - To cleanse my and others consciences of guilt so that we may serve in gratitude.

*Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. - To request sanctifying and preserving power for myself and others, and to rest in God's sovereign ability to provide it.

Finally, I pray that God place the full armor on me.

Throughout the day I try to always pray, sing spiritual songs, and think about godly things. In the evenings I like to read a chapter or two of good books; listen to a sermon, and write articles on biblical subjects.

Before I go to bed I thank the Lord and ask for another day of grace.

 2008/9/4 7:16Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230

 Re: to find balance?

Ahhh, now this is where the baptism of the Holy Ghost comes in.
Yes without this ingredient you will peak at someplace.

The christian walk with the baptism becomes an awesome adventure.

Most evident in devotion and walking in power in daily grind.

Ever had a full blown meltdown in HIS awesome presence? This can happen regularly. He comes in such power you cannot speak! we must spend time in this overwhelming atmosphere!
It is this realm where you are taken up and shown great things. Or just bask in HIS glory.

You will never have a mundane devotion again.


 2008/9/4 11:40Profile


Good thoughts on prayer...I may covet your thoughts in my prayer.


 2008/9/4 17:18



psalm1 wrote:
Ahhh, now this is where the baptism of the Holy Ghost comes in.
Yes without this ingredient you will peak at someplace.

The christian walk with the baptism becomes an awesome adventure.

Most evident in devotion and walking in power in daily grind.

Ever had a full blown meltdown in HIS awesome presence? This can happen regularly. He comes in such power you cannot speak! we must spend time in this overwhelming atmosphere!
It is this realm where you are taken up and shown great things. Or just bask in HIS glory.

You will never have a mundane devotion again.


Already been filled with the Holy Spirit, I have been sealed.

 2008/9/4 17:19

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