This is really a very sad state, as human beings invent more sin upon sin, with temptations so multiplied and potent, men deceiving while being deceived.
May the Lord grant us a new anointing for a revival in our days, in a sort that Charles Finney received in his wake, or probably more.
There is a Finney's article, I think in the first issue(correction it is issue 12) of the oldpath magazine. Please do not read it, your may get hurt, you may get burned, it is simply not compatible with carnality.
Shortly after my conversion, I happened to have read a book authored by a certain Charles Finney, Actually, I did not finished my reading, I cannot stand it, as if my very being was being burned.
But then through the years, I learned to cling more and more upon God's tremendous grace and mercy.
Some weeks ago, I crossed again with a certain Charles Finney, that's through tha Oldpath magazine, and the old feeling was rekindled.
Well, what can I say but contrition and gratitude.
Yes, the old path; the cross, the narrow way, the Lord's old anointing. Could this be the the one we really need today?