[b]Brother Zac Poonen visiting: Loveland, CO (august 9-10th, 2008)[/b]DO YOU LONG FOR DEEPER SPIRITUAL MEANING IN YOUR LIFE?Join us as for a weekend of teaching byZac Poonen- teacher and author from India -atRiver of Life Christian Fellowship1306 N Lincoln Ave, Loveland, CO4 Sessions as follows:Saturday August 9th: 10am & 1:30pmSunday August 10th: 10am & 1:30pmLunch will be provided on both daysTo help us plan for lunch, RSVP to:[email protected] or 970-532-2919Church website:http://riveroflifechristianfellowship.org/
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
REMINDER:All are welcome to join us this weekend!We only ask that you RSVP (details in Greg's original post below) so that we can plan for lunch accordingly.General theme:- The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the equipping of the ChurchSantosh Poonen[url=http://rlcfchurch.org]River of Life Christian Fellowship[/url]
[b]Brother Zac Poonen visiting: Loveland, CO (august 9-10th, 2008)[/b]DO YOU LONG FOR DEEPER SPIRITUAL MEANING IN YOUR LIFE?Join us as for a weekend of teaching byZac Poonen- teacher and author from India -atRiver of Life Christian Fellowship1306 N Lincoln Ave, Loveland, CO4 Sessions as follows:Saturday August 9th: 10am & 1:30pmSunday August 10th: 10am & 1:30pmLunch will be provided on both daysTo help us plan for lunch, RSVP to:[email protected] or 970-532-2919Church website:http://rlcfchurch.org
_________________Santosh David Poonen
I hope many can plan to come and travel to these meetings. I wish I could be there. We will get the recorded sermons if they are available on SI after the event.
The messages from this conference on The Spirit-Filled Life have been uploaded to the "Sermons" section of our church website: [url=http://rlcfchurch.org]http://rlcfchurch.org[/url]Here is a powerful quote from the previous series on the New Covenant Church:"This is true Christianity: where we choose the way of the cross. And, as that happens, God does an amazing work -- He binds us together in one Body. And more and more -- because it's crushing this person, and crushing this person -- it brings us together.God wants you to be part of a Body; there's security in a Body. There can be pressures and difficulties, but it's the safest place on earth to be, I'll tell you that.I often think of Noah building the ark, as a picture of building the Church. I say, "Get inside, brothers, sisters! This is the thing that's going to remain when the rest of the world is destroyed. Be a part of it. Build it."I am absolutely convinced that God's ultimate plan is that there should be little expressions of the Body of Christ in different parts of the world. And if you have the privilege of even meeting together with two or three or four or five people somewhere to be a living expression of the Body of Christ, brother, sister, that's the greatest honor God can give you. Work on it!And may the Body of Christ be built in many parts of the world."~ Zac PoonenP.S. Greg, feel free to upload the sermons directly to SI if you'd prefer.SDP
And if you have the privilege of even meeting together with two or three or four or five people somewhere to be a living expression of the Body of Christ, brother, sister, that's the greatest honor God can give you. Work on it!And may the Body of Christ be built in many parts of the world.SDP
An update:We noticed an issue with some of the sermon files on Monday 09/01, and corrected it immediately. If you downloaded these messages prior to our fixing the issue completely, you may have incomplete files -- sermons which don't play through their completion. We have since confirmed that all the sermons now exist in their entirety, so please re-download them: [url=http://rlcfchurch.org]http://rlcfchurch.org[/url]Apologies if this will require your having to go through the download process again. If it's any consolation, I assure you that the sermons are well worth it.Your brother,SDP