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 The laws of nature by J.R. Miller

[b]The laws of nature[/b]

(J. R. Miller, "The Best Things in Life")

God's will controls the smallest matters, and
takes into account the smallest events in each
life. A Spanish proverb says, "A leaf does not
stir on the tree--without the will of God." God's
hand is in every event. We talk of the the laws
of nature--but what is nature? It is not something
independent of God. The laws of nature are simply
God's laws. Nothing takes place that is contrary
to the divine will. Nothing--no storm, no earthquake,
no cyclone, no tidal wave--ever gets out of God's

This world is not controlled by chance, nor by any
blind fate--but by Him who loved us so much, that
He gave His son to die for us.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2008/7/20 12:07Profile

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