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 If this cockatrice is not crushed in the egg! by Thomas Brooks

[b]If this cockatrice is not crushed in the egg![/b]

("The Mute Christian Under the Smarting Rod"
or, "The Silent Soul with Sovereign Antidotes"
by Thomas Brooks, 1659, London.)

"See how terrible sin really is." Romans 7:13

There is infinitely more evil in the least sin--than
there is in the greatest miseries and afflictions that
can possibly come upon you! Yes, there is more evil
in the least sin--than there is in all the troubles that
ever come upon the world; yes, than there is in all
the miseries and torments of hell! The least sin . . .
is an offense to the great God;
is a wrong to the immortal soul;
is a breach of God's righteous law;
cannot be washed away but by the blood of Jesus;
will shut the soul out of heaven, and
shut the soul up as a prisoner in hell forever and ever!

The least sin is rather to be avoided and prevented--
than the greatest sufferings. If this cockatrice is not
crushed in the egg--it will soon become a serpent!

Sin, if but thought on and pondered--
will break out into action--
action into custom--
custom into habit--and then,
both body and soul are eternally and irrecoverably lost!

If the serpent can but wriggle in his tail by an evil
thought, he will soon make a surprise of the soul--as
you see in that sad instance of Adam and Eve.

The least sin is very dangerous!
Caesar was stabbed to death with a small needle.
Herod was eaten up by small worms.
Pope Adrian was choked with a gnat.
A scorpion is little, yet is able to sting a lion to death.
The least spark, may consume the greatest house.
The least leak, may sink the greatest ship.
A whole arm has been gangrened, by a pick of the little finger.
A little opened door, may betray the greatest city.
A pinch of poison diffuses itself into all parts, until it strangles
the vital spirits, and turns out the soul from the body.
The least sin is very dangerous!

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2008/7/19 11:38Profile

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