[b]The full ocean of never-failing delight and satisfaction![/b]
(John Fawcett, "Christ Precious")
"Yes, He is very precious to you who believe!" 1 Peter 2:7
"O blessed Jesus, Your love is wonderful! It is the admiration, joy and song of glorified saints. The experimental sense of Your love on earth--sweetens the bitterness of life, and disarms death of all its terrors! It was love which moved You to bow the heavens, to come down and sojourn on earth, to humble Yourself, to take on you the form of a servant, and become obedient onto death, even the death of the cross! You pitied me in my lost estate. You sought and found me--when I sought You not. You spoke peace to me in the day of my distress, when the clouds of guilt and darkness hung heavy on my soul--and I was brought to the borders of despair. You have--borne with all my weakness, corrected my mistakes, restored me from my wanderings, and healed my backslidings. May Your loving-kindness be ever before my eyes--to induce me to walk in your truth. May Your love be the daily theme of my meditations, and the constant joy of my heart!"
When I am favored with the light of Your countenance, and the comfortable sense of Your love--my soul is filled and satisfied. All the glittering glories of this world, are then darkened, and turned into deformity! They are but broken cisterns--but you are the fountain of living waters! The streams of creature enjoyments, are shallow and deceitful as a brook--but You are the full ocean of never-failing delight and satisfaction!
To Your love I must ascribe my whole salvation; and through all the ages of a blissful eternity--I shall proclaim the wonders of redeeming love, and tell to listening angels what Your love has done for my soul. Unto You who loved us, and washed us from our sins in Your own blood, and made us kings and priests to God--to You be glory and dominion forever and ever! Amen."
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon