,2933,379881,00.htmlI find this tragic. The same churches who promote these false manifestations then blame the people when they "don't go as planned"...and I use the word "planned" intentionally.
_________________Denver McDaniel
Congregants saw the man laughing while he lay on the floor? O'Yea, laughing all the way to the bank.BTW, that can happen in any church USA, it doesn't nessarily need to be a charismatic church or a penecostal church. And also there's nothing in this report that makes it clear that the church holds to such things.
First of all, he needs to sue the Holy Spirit, not the church! Especially if he is a Calvinist. (just think about that for a minute, and the punchline will come to you...)Secondly... guess this guy didnt read the part in scripture about Christians not suing other Christians.I hope the judge throws this out. But the way our court system is these days... he/she probably wont.Krispy