Why just ministers and missionaries? Why not anybody whom God himself may draw to you? Well, right now that is simply the group of individuals I have in mind. I am, of course, open to whosoever. However, somebody looking for a place to stay for more than just a short visit would be required by my apartment complex to undergo a background check, as they are pretty strict about who stays there. Furthermore, I'll be living on a pretty tight budget when I move out, and wouldn't be able to offer somebody a place to lodge for more than just a few days.
_________________Jimmy H
As for housing non-minister types...Don't forget what the qualifications of widows and ministers are - they either cannot work because they are too old or impaired, in the case of widows, or they cannot work because they are taken up in prayer and ministering the word.Otherwise, no work equals no roof. If someone continues refusing to "beat the pavement" and earn a wage, he needs to be confronted for that sin.Tough love, but Paul warns about this in several epistles. If someone wants to stay with you more than three days, expect them to help out and provide, not because "you deserve it" but because we are a body of members, not parasites.
Jimmy,You got some great advice on this thread. My suggestion is you take it to heart.I love to house visiting persons, people traveling through who need a bed. You will meet some fascinating people. I do not think I have given as much as they have given me. Just do not forget that extending hospitality is a command and listening to that still small voice is the guiding rule in living out this command.God Bless you,ginnyrose
_________________Sandra Miller
Hospitality in the Bible way, means that we have the privilege to lay down our lives, to comfort and serve others, ;great insight ginny! I thought about the reason for hospitality. One is to provide for those who need shelter, and travelling mercies. It is a service grounded and rooted in Loving others, and there is a reward en couched in loving fellowship. It is the joy of the Lord, as we share in His pleasure. Where 2 or more or GATHERED in my name, there will I be. We must not forget that this is a ministry of the Holy Spirit, if we let ourselves go to serve the needs of our Family,
I'm hoping that not only by taking them in will I provide some refreshment to their bodies, but I hope to be able to minister to their souls as well. It has been my experience thus far that due to the nature of the church today, most ministers have not received much ministry themselves. So, hopefully the Lord will open opportunities up for me to minister something from the word to these men as well. I've always had a heart for ministering to fellow ministers. And being that I may get few (if any) opportunities to do such from a platform in my lifetime, I hope to be able to do such at least one on one. If all else fails, I hope to be able to stick a good book in their hands.