I posted something on this as a response to another post but found that there is more to be said.Boy Scouts among dead as tornadoes hit Midwest"Everybody had to be particularly touched by thought of the finest young people from this region being caught up in a tornado which struck them like a bowling ball and against which they had no chance," U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said in a news conference in Blencoe, Iowa, near the scout camp. - http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080612/us_nm/usa_tornado_midwest_dcWe have come to the point where all of our trust is in ourselves. That somehow by our efforts or manipulation things can be made to come out the way that we envision ourselves to have them. These elite scouts were trained to be prepared, to make a plan yet this very thing may have contributed to their demise. From what I have seen and read, it appears that the collapse of the brick wall or fireplace was the cause of most of the pain and destruction for it was this that fell upon them. Is this not what we are taught will provide the most protection in such an event? In one report it sounds as if they were in an open field when they saw the tornado form so they ran for shelter as they have been trained to do.In the Bible were are taught to obey God, and as we are raised up in Him, we learn to listen for what it is that He would have us to do for only He knows what is the right way in any and all situations. He is our only protection against the powers of this world. Satan has us deceived us into turning to him first away from the Truth away from the Way running to our own destruction.How can it be that we extend so much time and energy into things that are seemingly good, but fail to put Christ at the center? How can it be that we train our children to look to something other than God for protection?While many of the reports of the event extol the heroic efforts of the scouts and the response teams, this is the only report that I read or saw that even mentions God. Taylor Willoughby, 13, said several scouts were getting ready to watch a movie when someone screamed that there was a tornado. Everyone hunkered down, he said, and windows shattered.It sounded like a jet that was flying by really close," Taylor told TODAY. "I was hoping that we all made it out OK. I was afraid for my life." Ethan Hession, also 13, said he crawled under a table with his friend. "I just remember looking over at my friend, and all of a sudden he just says to me, 'Dear God, save us,'" he told TODAY. "Then I just closed my eyes and all of a sudden it's (the tornado) gone." - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25107608/Could it be that this one boy's prayer turned the tornado from further destruction? I contend that that would be God's way.
Taylor Willoughby, 13, said several scouts were getting ready to watch a movie when someone screamed that there was a tornado. Everyone hunkered down, he said, and windows shattered.
He who brings the storm is also the One who calmsthe storm~!!
_________________Martin G. Smith