Ephesians 3:7 ... I was made a minister, according to the gift of God's grace which was given to me according to the working of His power. 8 To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things; 10 so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.
There is something horribly lacking in our evangelism today. Indeed, it is a consciousness that many generations of Christians have lacked, but something of which the apostle Paul was entirely conscious of. Indeed, Paul saw a purpose in evangelism and world missions much greater than trying to convince sinners that they were in need of a Savior. Read the above passage again. Do you see it?
Don't feel bad if you don't. I must say, until about a year or two ago, I never saw it nor was I even remotely aware of it. And I say this as one who has read many books and web-sites on evangelism. I say this as one who sat in on a class in Bible college dedicated to evangelism. I say this as one who sat in on a class in Bible college on Ephesians, having gone through it verse by verse with a very godly professor and outstanding Bible expositor. I say this as one who has read the book of Ephesians dozens upon dozens of times. I say this as one who has knocked on hundreds of doors, and preached to thousands of people in the open-air. Yet, I never saw it, let alone incorporated it into my ministry.
Let's flash this passage up again:
Ephesians 3:7 ... I was made a minister, according to the gift of God's grace which was given to me according to the working of His power. 8 To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things; 10 so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.
Paul saw his purpose as a missionary, not simply to preach the gospel to all of creation so that the Great Commission might be carried out, nor to save souls from hell. Rather, Paul saw his apostolic role entirely in a cosmic dimension. That is, he saw himself not merely preaching to men. Rather, he saw himself preaching to the wicked demonic forces that rule this world: the principalities and powers... wicked forces in heavenly places.
For God has a purpose in evangelism greater than seeing souls saved and revival breaking out. God's purpose in evangelism is ultimately not to testify to the world about Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Rather, His ultimate purpose is to announce to the demonic forces that rule this world that the wisdom of God has prevailed, and their tyrannical rule on the souls of men is about to come to an end. And this ultimate end is demonstrated and pronounced "through the church." For if it is not pronounced through the Church, it will not be pronounced at all.
It's pronouncement through the Church comes both in word and deed. Be encouraged brethren. Your witness is not in vain! Even if your words seem to fall on deaf ears, and people don't seem to be turning to the Lord as a result of your outreach, be encouraged... the effectiveness of your witness is greater than you know! For even if nobody should respond to your testimony and the gospel you so boldly preach, there are wicked and unseen spiritual forces in this world who have heard what you said! And they tremble!
But with this new understanding you now have, take care in how you witness. Indeed, if you truly grasp and have a revelation of this, you will begin to understand that evangelism is so much more than handing out gospel tracts, or modeling Ray Comfort's "Hell's Best Kept Secrets." Indeed, evangelism may incorporate these things. But what is important is that whatever means or method you employ in evangelism, that it be "according to the working of His power," (3:7) and not your own. For if it is not according to the working of His power, that is, the demonstration of the resurrected life of Christ, then no demonstration is being made of God's manifold wisdom to the principalities and powers. Without an accompanying demonstration of that power, then your witness is in vain.
Indeed, so much evangelism today, even by street preachers, is in vain. Just because you stand up before a crowd and rebuke them for their sin, tell them of hell, and tell them of Jesus, doesn't mean you have accomplished anything for the Lord. Indeed, you may have only set back the progress of the gospel by years! For the principalities and powers love to see nothing more than a hypocrite who has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof acting out for all to see. Indeed, over such men the principalities and powers rule! And when such a man takes up preaching before others, he only makes the veil between sinners and God all the thicker to pierce, for the hearers are given the impression that the man who is preaching thinks he is at least the real thing, when he is in actuality a fake. He pretends to demonstrate the power of God, when in fact he does not. And so men further believe the lie, and are further damned because of it.
Therefore, there is a necessity that an authentic expression of God's power and authority be manifested in order for the principalities and powers to take notice. "Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?" (Acts 19:15) Indeed, the principalities and powers will recognize nothing less than the authentic, for nothing else intimidates them nor causes them to tremble. For what else can move these wicked forces in heavenly places but a demonstration of Him who conquered hell and death?
Therefore, in whatever witness we give to men, we must take care that is according the very same power that raised Jesus Christ from the grave. For our ultimate concern is not to be our witness to men, but our witness to the satanic forces that rule this present world. Such ought to give you a lump in your throat and make it hard for you to swallow. No more should your evangelism consist of mere formulas and programs such as Four Spiritual Laws, Hell's Best Kept Secret, Evangelism Explosion, etc. While one might utilize such tools, they are to only be that. The backbone of our ministry is not to be the tools, but rather, the power of God through the Holy Spirit. _________________ Jimmy H