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Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


Our job is to raise our children in the ways of the Lord, not to send them out into the world and hope that their faith will get them through it.

I could be wrong, but I don't recall any child being sent into the world to be a missionary in scripture. I do see that scripture says to teach your children Gods way. The only child that I see doing this is Jesus Himself, whose resume needs no explanation.

Also, to my understanding, all of the people in the Bible who went into the world were adults and not children.


 2008/5/29 15:38Profile


Suppose a child who is a christian asks his dad if he can be homeschooled because he doesn't want to be exposed to the philosophy of the world and be influenced by the unsaved world and his dad says "No, your going to a public school" Don't you believe that God will protect that child from that evil influence? I do.

 2008/5/29 15:59

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


Rebecca_LF wrote:


Suppose a child who is a christian asks his dad if he can be homeschooled because he doesn't want to be exposed to the philosophy of the world and be influenced by the unsaved world and his dad says "No, your going to a public school" Don't you believe that God will protect that child from that evil influence? I do.

First off, if any child said that to me, I would think that they have their head on straighter then most kids, and even most adults. He/she should be commended. :-)

No. I do not believe that the Lord will protect anyone from evil influences. For children, that is what parents are supposed to do. Parents are to teach their children the ways of the Lord. If this father of the boy you are talking about dismissed his responsibility to raise his son in a godly way, then the father will have to answer to the Lord on that final day.


 2008/5/29 16:45Profile


What our sons may be equiped to handle or be able to "hold up under" may not be the same for our daughters. I believe that God has ordained that our daughters stay under the protection of their parents until they are given in marriage to another man. I realize that there are some exceptions, but they should be just that, not the rule.

Since we're only raising godly men in our house... I'll leave that one alone. But we do need godly women for our sons when the time comes. :-)


 2008/5/29 16:58


Would it be totally off to relate the "going into the world" experience of public schools to that of Peter walking on the water? Sure, there is the fear of what could happen, but what about faith to overcome those fears and obstacles?

But we're not operating on fear, we're operating on obedience. We're being obedient to the Word of God when we are "shade for the children", and when we live out Psalm 1.

Fear has nothing whatsoever to do with it. Unless we're talking about fear of God... which, interestingly enough, is the beginning of wisdom according to scripture.

Yes, you can look at all the bad that could maybe take place in the public school system

Could maybe? How about [b]is[/b] happening. Do you watch the news?

but are you overlooking the potential good that could also take place?

Children are not missionaries. Children are in training. You dont build a boat in the middle of the ocean, you build it on land and then once you think it is water proof you float it around in a harbor to be sure before you launch it into the ocean.

Public schools are a wonderful mission field for Christian adults who want to go into that mission field as teachers... and perhaps some rare older teenagers... but for the most part children are not called to be missionaries in the public schools. Remember, the school is there to shape their minds... and shape their minds they will.

I think it would be a testiment of faith for a child (young adult) to stand strong in his/her faith in the midst of a fallen world.

There are plenty of opportunities to do that in a more controlled environment. Most homeschoolers are around public school kids in their extended families, in sports, in 4-H, in their churches, etc. This is how they can stand strong, and learn to evangelize... not turn them over to a godless government school everyday all day.

I don't know. I see your point, but I've also experienced both worlds, so I see the advantages and disadvantages of both sides I s'pose.

But you yourself have admitted to the negative effects it had on you. I'm glad you came out the other end trusting in God tho.

Blessing on you too, brother.


 2008/5/29 17:09


Suppose a child who is a christian asks his dad if he can be homeschooled because he doesn't want to be exposed to the philosophy of the world and be influenced by the unsaved world and his dad says "No, your going to a public school" Don't you believe that God will protect that child from that evil influence? I do.

Yea, I agree w/ Miccah. In fact, if a child asked their father that with the father responding the way you suggest, it would actually appear to the child that the father was ok with what the child was being exposed to... making it ok with the child.

God [i]can[/i] protect that child, but thats up to God. Hey, I'm a child of God, born again and spirit-filled... but guess what... He doesnt always keep evil things from happening to me.


 2008/5/29 17:15


ccchhhrrriiisss wrote:
My question concerns the availability of such scholarships to those students who are homeschooled. Are there any figures that indicate the acceptance rate of homeschooled children at major colleges and universities? While walking Lucia through the application process (neither of her parents speak English), I noticed that some schools do not make a distinction between “home schools,” “private schools,” or “public schools.”

All students need to take the ACT and the SAT... this is where the colleges get their potential students. Now, my friend's son missed a full ride because of his high school gpa. So I'm not sure how they could find out a home-schooled student's gpa, unless it's through the yearly state tests they have to take(?). I don't know how home-schools keep transcripts.

Sorry I didn't help much,

 2008/5/29 17:26


Someone mentioned not sending their kids to a secular college earlier in this.

I went to a church that had a lot of homeschool families in it and the experience wasn't pleasant. While there, I came very close to homeschooling my sons but then I started watching them and really talking with them about how they did it (not that any are on this forum, not unless you are from knoxville, tn!!). The homeschoolers "I" knew were controlling parents, the ability to control seemed to fit right in with homeschooling. These particular people and church controlled EVERY aspect of their child's life. My sons were shunned by these homeschooled kids because they weren't "homeschoolers." They had to learn shunning from somewhere!!! The parents.

Now, I know this isn't true for all homeschoolers, I'm just telling you as an outsider what I saw being their so-called friend. I was very turned off the parents exclusionary ways.

I only say that because krispy asked why some of us choose NOT to homeschool. This is one of my main reasons.

This brings me to another reason. I disagree with a statement that we shouldn't send our children to secular universities. Why not? Aren't we called to be light and salt? How can we be when we are constantly hidden in the folds of like-minded people thru christian schools and universities?

When will a child be old enough to be light and dark in this sinful world? I want to protect my kids but they have to learn on their own. I know this isn't true with just homeschoolers, there are controlling parents everywhere! I'm not necessarily controlling as much as I am, "Who are you going with? Where are you going? What's the parent's phone number, I need to talk to them and meet them OR you're not going!" Cautious and hovering would be more of the words!!

I'm definitely not saying I've raised my kids the best way - in the secular schools. They are good boys and it's in spite of me through the grace of God they are good boys definitely not because of me! God is good. I trust the same God who loves me will love my children just as much. He sought me and I believe that he will seek them.

 2008/5/29 18:03


Actually I think Wake-Forest now is not accepting SAT scores for entrance. They have discovered that the SAT is not reliable in determining if a kid will be a good student. They have discovered that all it really means is that the student is good at taking tests.

I'll look and see if I can find where my wife read that. She was telling me about it last evening, in fact.


 2008/5/29 18:05



KrispyKrittr wrote:
Suppose a child who is a christian asks his dad if he can be homeschooled because he doesn't want to be exposed to the philosophy of the world and be influenced by the unsaved world and his dad says "No, your going to a public school" Don't you believe that God will protect that child from that evil influence? I do.

Yea, I agree w/ Miccah. In fact, if a child asked their father that with the father responding the way you suggest, it would actually appear to the child that the father was ok with what the child was being exposed to... making it ok with the child.

God [i]can[/i] protect that child, but thats up to God. Hey, I'm a child of God, born again and spirit-filled... but guess what... He doesnt always keep evil things from happening to me.


But what if he has a mother who is living for God, teaching him in the ways of the Lord and praying for him? :-)

 2008/5/29 18:12

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