Men (and women) of stature(Isaiah 45:14; Ephesians 4:13)In whom the Cross has done a deep work as to self-interest.Who are not so concerned to preach, or to try and influence others to a doctrine or theory, but whose main influence will be one of LIFE.Who have come to know the Lord in a way of proving.Whose reaction to every situation, circumstance, and proposition is: Does it glorify God?And whose Touchstone by which all things are tested and determined is: Can it work out to an increase of Christ?For such there is a pressing need, in the Church, in the Lord's work, and in all the nations.Enquire in the Secret Place.Basis of consideration Romans chapter T. Austin-SparksPublished in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazines Volume 21-3 & Volume 49-4
Amen. Good post!
_________________Paul Frederick West
Where are the Stephens' of our time?? Where arethe men who will boldly declare and proclaim thegospel truth?? Where are the men who will standand serve the cause of the cross and Christ nomatter the cost?? Where are the true and faith-ful witness who will deny themselves and take upthe cross and press on toward the high calling ofthe kingdom of God??
_________________Martin G. Smith
sojourner7 wrote:Where are the Stephens' of our time?? Where arethe men who will boldly declare and proclaim thegospel truth?? Where are the men who will standand serve the cause of the cross and Christ nomatter the cost?? Where are the true and faith-ful witness who will deny themselves and take upthe cross and press on toward the high calling ofthe kingdom of God??
hmm hmm quoted;"In whom the Cross has done a deep work as to self-interest.Who are not so concerned to preach, or to try and influence others to a doctrine or theory, but whose main influence will be one of LIFE." Amen! This is absolutely vital, because life begets life, it is the life of God within us that impacts others for Christ. That is the focus of the book that I referred you to called "The Power of the Spirit" by William Law. From reading your posts I know you would appreciate this book,Christian. God Bless, Bonni
there must be a ministering of Christ to one another. We have something of Christ a faculty of Christ for ministering Christ; that is, a measure of Christ to be ministered by us... and our business is to minister Christ to one another. In that way the Body grows. Is not Christ our Life... and can we not, as functioning in Christ, minister Life His Life to one another? Surely we can. That is what we are called to. Thus the Body grows. Oh, that the Lord will enable us to be greater ministers of Life His Life to one another, and not of death.[url=]The Corporate Vessel ~ Sparks[/url]