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 Oh, how the mighty have fallen! The terrible fall of Paul Cain.

When Jimmy Swaggart sinned, and then covered himself, and refused discipline from his overseer's, many gloated at his fall. Paul Cain did not, but wept, quoting David's lament over Jonathon and Saul, his father, and David's mortal enemy. "[b]Oh, how the mighty have fallen[/b]!"

David manifested God's heart for a prodigal son. Today, I am likewise melancholy. I received recent, confirmed, eyewitness reports that Paul Cain has endorsed Lakeland, and Todd bentley, as the great revival prophesied. Todd Bentley, evidently, as the Elijah or equivalent to bring it. Paul laid hands on him, "passing a mantle", on stage at Lakeland, a few days ago.

While on stage and while speaking, he stated that he has been celibate for many years, having a gift of celibacy, and that there were many "allegations" about him, being passed around.

A few years ago, Paul confessed to homosexual sin, and was also caught red handed soliciting for sex, at Kansas city IHOP. This is well documented, and confirmed by the board of supervisors assigned to him to restore him. [Mike Bickle, Jack Deere, Rick Joyner and another]

I, until this very day, have been interceding for my brother, Paul Cain. It will cease today, as he has willfully given himself over to the enemy and the lie.

This has evolved from denial, into the psychotic and delusional realm, where the forked tongue rules and reigns. He may have believed, that his endorsement of Bentley would trigger an automatic purge of his "indiscretions", and thrust him back in the Lime-light, absolved. After all, he is the one who foresaw this awesome end-time revival of miracles and healing; over 100 times, in technicolor. It was his most vocal foundation in his prophetic ministry.

He probably never guessed that after the moment Todd received "THE ENDORSEMENT", of the "greatest living prophet", it would be all over. He is no longer allowed on the same stage, or probably , as I see the tide, on any stage with this "movement." Todd washed his hands of Cain, as Paul's own deluded desire to be in ministry at any cost, got the best of him. Hereby, the "celibate' comments , with "allegations" of course.

I have been loyal to Paul Cain until today. Anyone who says that he was always convoluted, has not been under his ministry when it WAS anointed by Jesus. Holiness, and Salvation....real healings and miraculous signs, and Words of knowledge reflecting secrets that only the holy Spirit would know or reveal.

Amazing power! brokenness and life.

"The gifts and callings of God are without repentance."...maybe there is the answer. I'm not sure. Maybe he was given over, somewhere along the way. He was so elite, that bodyguards surrounded his exit, at times. Maybe the pressure got to him, and he somehow believes that it never happened, and his delusional defenses have overridden reality......"They are out to get me...." kind of thing. I do not know. I do know that a true mighty man of God has fallen, and alas, I cannot help him.

How the mighty have fallen.

 2008/5/21 14:20

Joined: 2004/7/23
Posts: 210

 Re: Oh, how the mighty have fallen! The terrible fall of Paul Cain.

Brother, can i ask why you are bringing up a sin that has been confessed from awhile back? if he confessed it to the Lord, we must take heed not to throw it publicly in his face again.

proverbs says that "he who seeks love covers transgression, but he who repeats a matter seperates friends"

take heed not to repeat a matter that the Lord very well may have overlooked.

i am not saying he genuinely repented. i don't know the man's heart. however, i don't know that he didn't genuinely repent either.

ultimately, God knows the ultimate end of man and we do not. why did God spare samson and not saul? the sovereignty of God friend.

let's leave Paul in His hands and not our own

 2008/5/21 14:25Profile

 Re: Bringing up sin???

This is not about bringing up sin, to condemn, but the issue is about deception, that will minister sin, to multitudes, inside of the church.

Can you see the difference? I have covered my brother with intercession for decades. Have you? I have personally reproved him. have you? I have loved him, as a father. Have you?

Even if you answer no, to all of these, you still have the right and command to judge another brother by their fruit, and , you like myself have the right to our opinion.

When a brother, or a sister, drifts over into the realm of the Wolf, endorsing the dark , as the light, then the Christian has the responsibility to warn, and sound the alarm, whether old sin is an issue or not.

Paul himself brought the issue up, PUBLICALLY, not me. He lied, I believe to deceive, so that his ministry would be received. He also blessed and endorsed a demonic revival, that will ultimately do great harm to the body of Christ, and probably for his own gain.[as I spoke of in my original ]

I do not want to sound condescending here, but"God knows the ultimate end of man, and we do not??"

"Let's leave Paul in God's hands, and not our own!"

The wolf must be identified, even in sheep's clothing! The wolf must be driven out, [b]or[/b] it will eat, and devour the flock.

You cannot be this naive to the commission given to Pastor's, can you? Read Acts 20....Grievous wolves shall come in, after my departure, [b]not sparing the flock[/b], drawing away disciples after themselves.

I trust in the blood of Jesus, and any sin disappears and is forgotten for any saint who trusts in it, and forsakes their sin. It is the anchor of Mercy that is the rock of my faith. I forgive and forget, but no liar has an inheritance in His kingdom. To lie, to deceive is a sin against the body of Christ. This is that, and I will now sound an alarm, rather than a cry to restore my brother unto ministry.

 2008/5/21 15:02


Mattie... if Paul Cain repented and stepped down from public ministry permanently, then I would agree with you. It should not be brought up again.

However, as I understand it, Paul Cain is making inroads back into the ministry. Problem is scripturally he has disqualified himself from the ministry.

Since Paul Cain is scripturally disqualified from ministry... then discussing WHY he is disqualified is extremely relevant when we see him back in public ministry.

And these IHOP people have a long history of sexually perverted issues. Bob Jones is another one... used his so-called "prophetic gifting" to sexually exploit women... got caught... couple months off... back in the ministry.

This ought not to be!

But hey... a homosexual giving his blessing on the Lakeland "revival"... I cant add anymore to that! I think that says it all.


 2008/5/21 15:06

Joined: 2004/7/23
Posts: 210


What makes him a wolf at this present time? I open to consider.

and also, what is the purpose and motivation of your cry? to warn the body of Christ? and if so, what is it that we need to be warned about?

it's one thing if paul cain is preaching things at this present time that is assaulting the character of Christ. but if he is not, then what's the point of warning anybody?

 2008/5/21 15:11Profile

Joined: 2004/7/23
Posts: 210


israel had quite a history also. sexual immorality, idolatry, pagan worship, etc. yet that didn't mean God forsook them.

the Corinthians had quite a history - committing sins even the Gentiles didn't commit. Yet at the beginning of the letter Paul still calls them saints and sanctified?

I wouldn't want to label Paul Cain a "homosexual". If He had put His trust in Christ for salvation, He is a brother who has had a fight with the sin of homosexuality, but His identity in the Lord is no longer that of a homosexual. We are righteous not because of our deeds but because of His deed. Paul Cain may have failed, along with others to "work out His salvation". He may have lied. But even in the midst of it all, I pray God's mercies.

 2008/5/21 15:25Profile

Joined: 2006/11/23
Posts: 113


Personal Message concerning Paul Cain
David Andrade
Sep 12 2007 12:10PM

Dear Friends.

I have come to really know Paul Cain in the past few years, having lived close to him day to day and seeing him through trial to trial.

For those that have issues with Paul,

I have not seen him return to any of the moral discrepancies that came into question.

We all have areas that we personally need to deal with, I have mine and you have yours.

Some of us have more or less than others. I believe Paul will continue to grow in the grace of God and that it would prove to no purpose to withhold him from the calling that Jesus has chosen for him. I believe that Paul deserves a chance to prove himself.

Please continue to pray for Paul as he emerges.

David Andrade


To Whom It May Concern:

Paul William Cain has been in the restoration care of RTV International Ministries since January of 2006. After careful evaluation and in consideration pertaining to his continual progress in all areas of spiritual and personal life; the administrating staff and Board of Life Recovery Centers of America with the Board of RTV International Ministries and the restoration team, unanimously affirm that there is no further need to continue the restoration process; And furthermore, release Paul W. Cain from restrictive oversight and restricted ministry. Paul William Cain is hereby free to pursue ministry and released to make personal decisions.

Dr. Cain will continue to remain in fellowship with the RTV International Global Family. Furthermore, RTV invites you to enlist Paul and his wonderful ministry to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Body.

The Cooke Center
Life Recovery Centers of America
RTV International Ministries

The Restoration Team Representatives:
Pastor David Diaz
Jerry Bowers
Pastors Larry & Glorie Larimore
Dr Michael & Adelle McKinney
Dr. AL Gill
Pastor David Andrade
Olivia Cook MHT
Rick & Laurie Taylor

Jun 11 2007 03:58AM

Restoration update concerning Paul W Cain.

Many have lovingly written with grace to pray for Paul, asking "how to pray." These updates will assist many faithful in their support for Paul. Together with your support, Paul will continue to fulfill God's Will for his life.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the many of you that continue to pray for Paul and his family. Your continued prayers and encouragement have been so appreciated in the past 2 years.


Paul continues to gain strength. He has come to a good place in his life. I travel with Paul when necessary and continue to aid him in his personal affairs. Many of Paul's health problems are now resolved. Paul continues to undergo treatment and is responding positively. His strength has returned and with his present regiment continues to excel beyond our expectations.


I am presently in Kansas City at the request of Chuck Pierce and others that the restoration team make an effort at some kind of relationship with Mike, Bickle, Rick Joyner, and Jack Deere. I have always found Mike to be an honorable man and so many intercessors through PrayCal are praying for this endeavor. I will update you concerning how it went latter this week.


Under term conditions, Paul has been allowed to do some ministry. We thank the Lord, Jesus Christ for proving Himself faithful. We have often witnessed an open heaven with demonstrations of Holy Spirit power, miracles and manifestation, and most important, many new souls arriving into the kingdom. To so many of you that have made request concerning scheduled ministry, Thank you. Please continue to send your requests to [email protected]. Should we not respond immediately, please be patient. We will respond.

On behalf of the Restoration Team,The Cooke Center &RTV International Ministries

Blessings David Andrade


 2008/5/21 15:39Profile

 Re: moral discrepancies evavgelist

First of all, this nine month old letter, from an outside source, deals with their ministry's assessment of a clean bill of health for Paul Cain. This, I may add, was after Paul was caught in a relapse situation, at IHOP K.C., and then soon rejected the original overseers who confronted his lack of compliance to restore him. All along, this group's stated desire was to restore Paul, and see him healed and brought back into his wonderful gifting, [b]in holiness. [/b]

Recently, a law suit was threatened on Paul's behalf, that basically demanded that his original friends and restorative board back off entirely, of any critical statements concerning his restoration, or lack of it. the gist of it was, that Paul had to make a living, and they had no business interfering.

This letter may represent those very same people who covered him them. It sounds like it.

Only God can put you into true ministry, and only God can take you out. Notice the word TRUE here.

1]. The issue is not about homosexuality, or sin of any kind. Paul, essentially lied, to deceive, about his lifelong character, probably knowing that many may not receive him unless they believed so. He did this saying that he has led a Chaste life for several years. He did this publicly, on a National stage.

2].He stated that there were "allegations" about him, that folks may have heard of. This, in effect, is bringing his restorers into the category of accusers, and liars, while propagating the myth that there was never any sin or corruption in the first place. He has been as pure as the driven snow, and is indeed seated in ministry. IE, these allegations are but persecution. He did this for his own gain, at the expense of his many friends, and regrettably. to the body of Christ.

3] In the process of all of the above, he endorsed a wolf, a ,deceiver, a false prophet, as being the carrier of true revival. He anointed this person, Todd Bentley, by the laying on of hands, using terms with Elijah's name involved, on a national stage, using the force of his otherwise prominent reputation as a world wide prophetic voice.

The issue is not a sin issue. The issue is not a sin issue. It is deeper, and much more profound at this point. It is about participating and endorsing apostasy, all for ministerial gain. See Baalim.

 2008/5/21 17:00

 Re: Intercession for Paul Cain

I have found myself praying, asking the Lord to show mercy to Paul Cain, to forgive him, and not to hold his sins against him. I believe this is God's heart. Some, the bible says will have their works burnt up, but never the less, they themselves would be saved.

Manasseh was the most wicked, murderous, Satanic king ever in Israel's history, without doubt. It appears that repentance was granted him, and that he was granted salvation.

I am not comparing Paul Cain to him. No man, including myself, will enter into Heaven's gate, without receiving mercy. That cleansing is directly related to the blood of Jesus.

I watched an interview with Jeffery Dahlmer a few years ago, conducted by James Dobson, in prison. Jeffery Dahlmer was a sodomite cannibal, who drugged his victims, and ritualistically ate them. There were about seventeen boys and young men who lost their lives in this shocking episode. They were all homosexuals.

Dahlmer was caught, and went to prison. While there, someone preached Jesus to him, and he was saved, in a real and dynamic way. He then requested Dobson to interview him, as he wanted to leave a testimony of god's Grace in his life. To Dobson's credit, he complied.

The interview shows a stable and glowing young man, filled with love and faith, answering tough questions about his horrific crimes, and past life. Jesus is honored throughout.

Shortly after the interview, Jeffery Dahlmer was murdered by another inmate.[circa 1995]

God's views are so different than ours. Some, it seems, are cut off and turned over to terrible and swift judgement, while others, like Manassah, and Dahlmer, are given extreme mercies.

One of my favorite scriptures is, "It is not he who runs, nor he who wills, but it is God who shows mercy."

I am praying for his life, and eternal life. This is different, and more important than praying for his restoration, and restoration to ministry.

I do know my own propensity to depravity. Without the grace of God, I am another Manassah or Nero. This makes me fear.

Never the less, when any brother drifts into the realms of deception, no matter his status or history, my loyalty to him is instantly trumped by my loyalty to the truth, and my Lord, Jesus.

Read about Paul the Apostle's fellow ministers that betrayed him, and the Apostle John's.[Diotrophes] Deception must be uncovered and expelled, to protect the flock.

 2008/5/22 3:52

Joined: 2005/3/31
Posts: 419
Son Of Thunder i come from a land down under, due south at the bottom of your work globes

 Re: Oh, how the mighty have fallen! The terrible fall of Paul Cain.

Just another example as to why (sof) avoids the naming of names ( were it a matter you had apostolic authority like the likes of a John or a Paul ) one might well bear with you!! and the post for that matter.

Often things turn UGLY between brothers, in these scenarios ( sadly )



Hence i brought up some OF these issues in the post " The issue of naming names and watchdog ministries "

The fact is God HAS already judgeD and reproved them - when it becomes public knowledge, and is made known "openly" .... as is made mention in Timothies epistle. Some men's sins go before the judgment and cannot be HID.

It will come out in due course - and then WHEN IT DOES - there is no where to run, nowhere to hide, the church KNOWS, the public KNOWS, the media KNOWS, as all - and sundry become aware and cotton ON - to it.


Actually we think (presume) because no one saw our "SIN" - that we got away with it
"nobody" caught me out. And so they keep doing it -- . But God KEEPS good records and his "eyes" witness all. There is nothing covered that is not revealed or made known ( Jesus stated ) ALL things are naked and made manifest to the EYES of him, with whom we have to do. hmmm.

God brings it out, and why? -- because they are covering it up ( and i state the obvious there ) but also because the church believes you never judge "your own" the corinthian error( you leave people alone and never say anything) -- the result of this falicious thinking then is this? he uses and turns to -the MEDIA- to bring it OUT and to expose corruption in the church and in the ministry -- who are hiding and covering up serious and severe sins. And i know some would fall back on Timothy saying them that sin rebuke before all, that others may fear. But that is when the situation affects you and your surroundings ( and the elders of that work in progress ) not a willie nillie arbitrary thing where all and sundry -can just rise up and make comment. and the text would also indicate the individual who has sinned is flagrantly unrepentant - in their rebellion and unbelief ... And so WE would fear -- going down the same road of UNBELIEF and apparent "falling away" they are rebuked before the assembly and congregation, that he himself once assembled with. He's being "rebuked" with the knowledge in mind - that the other congregants know - who this - individual is. Who has done despite to the spirit of grace and walked out on God ... and that, unrepentantly. !!

Bro Stephen

 2008/5/22 7:31Profile

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