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Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Our chief standard of holy living -ryle

[b]Our chief standard of holy living[/b]

(J. C. Ryle, "Looking Unto Jesus!")

"Looking unto Jesus." Hebrews 12:2

If we would look rightly to Jesus—we must look daily
at His example, as our chief standard of holy living.
We must all feel, I suspect, and often feel—how hard it
is to live a Christian life, by mere rules and regulations.
Scores of circumstances will continually cross our path,
in which we find it difficult to see the line of duty, and
we become perplexed. Prayer for the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, and attention to the practical part of the
Epistles, are, undoubtedly, primary resources. But
surely it would cut many a knot, and solve many a
problem—if we would cultivate the habit of studying
the daily behavior of our Lord Jesus, as recorded in
the four Gospels, and strive to shape our own
behavior by His pattern!

This must have been what our Lord meant when He
said, "I have given you an example—that you should
do as I have done to you." (John 13:15). And this is
what Peter meant, when he wrote, "Leaving you an
example, so that you should follow in His steps."
(1 Peter 2:21). And this is what John meant when
he said, "The one who says he abides in Him, should
walk just as He walked." (1 John 2:6).

Our "look" to Jesus is very imperfect—if we do not
look at His example, and strive to follow it. Let us
cultivate the daily habit of "looking to Christ as our
pattern," as well as our salvation. We can never look
too steadily at Christ's death and intercession. But
we may easily look too little at the blessed steps of
His most holy life. Let all men see that we love to
follow Him whom we profess to love. "How would
my Master have behaved in my position?" should
be our constant concern.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2008/5/2 0:22Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Our chief standard of holy living -ryle

We can never look
too steadily at Christ's death and intercession. But
we may easily look too little at the blessed steps of
His most holy life. Let all men see that we love to
follow Him whom we profess to love. "How would
my Master have behaved in my position?" should
be our constant concern.

Powerful exhortation.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2008/5/2 2:33Profile

 Re: Our chief standard of holy living -ryle


If we would look rightly to Jesus—we must look daily
at His example, as our chief standard of holy living.

Very encouraging exhortation!

 2008/5/2 15:35

Joined: 2007/11/19
Posts: 159


Agreed..This concept along with what I am sharing here is the very message that God has been having me share with so many of the brethren I come into contact with who are desiring a closer walk with Jesus.Always the focus is to encourage them to be more disciplined in the time they spend with God..putting Him first. We are to be pointing everyone to study Jesus,our Risen Lord.To read the words written about drink deeply from the very words He look closely at the way He behaved in each circumstance..always flowing in perfect harmony with each and every differing need..righteously adjusting each souls's outlook with spontaneous accurate wisdom...and perfection in manner(attitude).Do we desire to be like Him? To learn of Him proceeds actually knowing Him personally.

He is Alive,The Living Word..His sheep hear His voice and we follow Him and no other will they follow.He is still speaking to His people today as in days gone by. His word,His Very Life comes alive,repatterned,reproduced in the lives of His believers as He is being formed in us. When we stay focused on His recorded words and movements in a steadfast,disciplined and diligent manner..we do not go off into trivialities and become snared by fleshly mental leanings and fruitless distractions..we are able to know His Way..and to walk worthily in it.And so it is that we see that study is a beginning training that takes discipline..and there is more to discipline than this.

Here I would encourage those who stand asking..what would the Lord do in this instance..not speaking directly to Him,but thinking about Him,as though we must lean on our own understanding/knowledge about Him (for example only what we've read or heard about Him from others,which has it's own importance but is not enough) to sift through the varied possibilities..even this can be confusing.Oftimes the way we were shown to handle a similar situation in our past,does not speak into or meet the needs of what we are faced with now,as the dynamics have changed and so we need more wisdom to deal with what is being presented.Life has a way of being too fluid to be predictable. Just as the letter of the word kills..the spirit of the word brings life..we must be able to adjust with fluid flexibility to the highest(divine) perspective in regards to whatever shows up demanding our attention.

This flexible readjusting takes heavenly wisdom,which we must approach the throne of grace to recieve. We are not to behave as though we had no clear access to enter into the Holy Place and recieve directly from Him.If we would build upon the foundations already lain,let us stretch forth our faith and approach Him directly,asking,"What would You have me do?" This is a much needed discipline I rarely hear or see being practiced. Are we believeing that He is present,so very near..not far away seen only for the past events, only observable in the words written about Him(may we always keep these words before our eyes..hear what I am saying)..or as a far away promise in our future to lay hold of/behold eventually.

We have the recorded word(Logos)..we have the spoken word(Rhema)We have the Living Word..accessable if we would only tarry long before Him,in surrendered posture, pressing in further to touch His very presence to worship and adore Him,to be filled with His Spirit to overflowing.To ask for wisdom and understanding,believing to recieve. He is mindful of our needs,He waits in order to closely guide those who actually wait for Him..He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him,determined to obey Him in a more steadfast and disciplined is only by His grace that we can do this. As it is His will that we attain to this..He will provide the grace in which to triumph in this as well..we have not because we do not ask..and keep asking until we are certain of His guidance.He is testing our commitment to say with your mouth this(I surrender all,not my will but Thine be done)..but do you mean it with your whole heart? So comes the trials and decisions we must make..that we might learn to draw nearer to Him,desiring only His Will,His Way.

And then you shall hear a voice behind you saying..'This is the way..(in this this circumstance)..walk ye therefore in it.'
Thank you Lord Jesus that You are an ever watchful Shepherd who patiently stands ready to intercede on our behalf,providing generously with the divine guidance we are never without need of.

Cause us,O Lord God, to come to Your Living Waters,to drink and be cleansed of our own leanings,tarrying long in peaceful be made upright with Your Very Life reproduced in we are more fully sanctified and transformed into Your Wonderful Image according to Your Expressed Will.

G.M. (Destiny) Sweet

 2008/5/2 16:33Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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