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Joined: 2008/2/22
Posts: 173
Sylacauga Alabama

 Re: Holy Laughter or Strong Delusion

First I would like to make it known that all through church history the true saints have been persecuted. Paul was in prison and some were preaching to try and irritate him. his reply was well at least their preaching Jesus and some may come to true salvation. second the temptation is to speak about what label to put on deceivers. They are wolves in sheeps clothing but they are not christians. they are imposters who are out to make covetous gain by colecting the money of gulible saints. I knew a minister once who claims to be visited by the devil and the devil offered him tremendous wealth to destroy a great man of God's ministry. He didn't do it but other things happened by accident which caused him to be in a bad place with the minister he was to harm. It is not fair to throw all of the inocent christians who are faithful enough to die for the Lord Jesus in a box with deceivers who use their particular name of denomination. we should say these are deceivers imposters false prophets, but not charismatics or other titles. again there are faithful christians in different walks. i am hoping this is clear as a means of protecting the true faithful. third, when I was young and living in New York my freind and I were horsing around in a church vestibule. we were not high on anything. I said something so funny that we laughed and laughed. something strange happened to me. I couldn't stop laughing even though I wanted to. some of you readers may know what I'm talking about. I was hurting and when you hurt you stop laughing--- no I couldn't I was out of control. our jokes were evil so could be the devil but God doesn't give something to hurt us. we should also be able to stop. the deceiver and the work he thinks is of God does know he's a deceiver but his mind is also deluded and cannot reason whether he is right or wrong because when he harms other people he has his mind under a very strange control. mezmerism by the man named Mezmer was where people were not christians were falling under a force which he as a non christian tapped into. The deception lies in the misconception of understanding the call of God, these signs shall follow them that believe, a sign is to be discerned by the word of God and the Holy Spirit. here's mine-- Browne doesn't say Jesus he says ho and people fall or laugh. The people Jesus ministered to had faith. the meetings of today they say anybody gets it. Jesus said let it be according to your faith Matt. 9:29 I do appreciate all who expose the false ministers in order to --- protect the sheep.


 2008/5/2 14:44Profile

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA



Take a break from this.

Mike Balog

 2008/5/2 15:52Profile


One more point... the Holy Spirit will always point us to Jesus and the cross.


 2008/5/2 16:16

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