[u][b]Seek Genuine Revival[/b][/u]
By Sammy Tippit
Our passion is to see a true revival, where the atmosphere is filled with the anointed preaching of the Word of God, where the great truths of the death and burial and resurrection of Christ are given with great power, causing brokenness and repentance in the hearts and lives of the people. Furthermore, we are passionate to see that prayer is permeating the atmosphere and passionate to see a Church saturated with God, a Church that is in awe of the sovereignty of God, in awe of the holiness of God, a Church that sees Him for who He is, which bows before Him and loves Him and proclaims Him for who He is! If we are going to see that atmosphere in the Church, there is only one way we can prepare ourselves and that is to go on our faces before God and pray.
As we pray, the Spirit of God will move people, and He will show us sins in our lives. We must pray and not lose heart, as we are told in Luke 18:1: "Men ought always to pray, and not to faint." If we will do that and persistently ask and keep on asking, and seek and keep on seeking, and knock and keep on knocking, the doors of heaven and the windows of heaven will be open, and God will pour out upon us a revival in the Spirit that we cannot even imagine that He could do. God can do more in one divine moment than we could do in a lifetime. The thing we need to do is to get into a position where revival will come, and that is a position of humility, of brokenness, of repentance. As we go before the Lord and seek Him for who He is and cry out to Him and pray for revival, God will send revival in His time, in His choosing and in His way.
There are times and seasons in which God moves. You dont know when that is. You dont know where the wind comes from; you dont know where it goes to. But when He comes, He ministers, and there are times of openness in peoples hearts that there have never been before. There is a great harvest that takes place. The greatest evangelistic harvests always take place in times of revival.
Seasons of revival have always been preceded by great seasons of prayer. We have prayed and prayed for such a revival in America. If we never see it with our own eyes, we have that blessed assurance that it is coming, for "faith is the substance [assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Heb. 11:12). Whether we see it or whether we do not see it, we will pray and we will seek the face of God until revival comes or until Jesus comes for us. I believe that when we have such a heart, we are preparing the soil, because the soil of revival has always been prepared by the prayers of Gods people.
Pray for nothing less than a genuine God-sent, Holy Spirit revival! We cannot create an atmosphere of revival, but we can be silent before the Lord. Whatever He speaks to your heart, let Him do in your life. If there is something you need to repent of, if there is sin you need to confess and turn away from, if youve become discouraged and grown weary in your prayer life, you need to come back to God and be still, and find a place and a time to be with Him and seek Him. Let that time be now.