Yes it is true, I was just at the official website of Expelled the movie and they have announce that it will be distributed this summer here in Canada!!Some movies take a little longer to catch on here in Canada, for instance the movie Bella is not playing in Edmonton at all.I do pray that this movie will do more than just promote freedom of speech.****Steve Camp doesnt pull any punches. This is what he said about the movie:I went tonight and saw Ben Stein's controversial and stimulating documentary on the issue of Intelligent Design (ID) vs. evolution called, "Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed." It is the most successful movie release of a documentary in the history of American film... bar none. It is well-researched, equitable, factual, enlightening, educational, and wonderfully entertaining. Mr. Stein is single-handedly demonstrating in this documentary what the universities have neglected for years: freedom of speech and freedom of inquiry that is based upon logic, truth, and systematic discovery evidenced in the factual. I hope this is a portent of things to come. This film is a must see.
I just watched this movie today and it is excellent. It is the kind of work that will probably spark a great deal of people to take some type of stand for their belief. It is very balanced and journalistic in its approach. I can't wait to watch it again.For those that haven't seen it, much of the movie is about professors that have been fired over publishing articles or mentioning intelligent design. Not teaching intelligent design, but mentioning it. There are also journalists who report being fired.Included are interviews with evolution experts that again show there is no agreement in the scientific community on anything about evolution, except that we all see changes within species. There is the typical bashing of 6 day creation by the "experts", but Stein confronts them to come up with an alternate beginning of life, and it is amusing to hear the smoky answers that are just plain guesses.One interview featured an evolution expert who said that we could not have come from God, but our structure is so complex and coded that we very well could have been built by aliens (I am not joking). Basically he is saying we must have been designed, but not by God.You will not be disappointed in the movie. I am fairly up-to-date with facts of the creation / evolution debate, and the movie was still a breath of fresh air with its perspective.
_________________Hal Bachman
I don't know why there is a debate between Creation and Evolution. There is no debate because there is no proof that everything came into being by a puff of smoke. In reality, the evolutionist have more faith than they realize. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. They believe in the evidence of things that they have not yet discovered or know about. They trust in their "theories", and theories are not facts. It's amazing to say the least. They deny God, yet they hold on to a Godly principle of believing without seeing.I probably won't see the movie, I hope those that do will share more about it in this thread.Blessings