Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | Brother Tom,
Did she have something to do with it? Was it connected to the revival in any way?
To my knowledge; Pigs In The Parlor had nothing to do with her or the Revival.
Blessings, |
| 2008/4/23 10:00 | |
| Re: Not the hammond's book. | | Julian:See edit below. The Hammonds took the name as the copywrite faded, I assume. "Pigs in the Parlour" was published @ 1906 or 1907, thanks though.
| 2008/4/23 10:08 | | psalm1 Member

Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 1230
| Re: | | Holy laughter also occurred in early evangelical and holiness circles. Jonathan Edwards describes the reaction of some who were converted in the Great Awakening revival: "Their joyful surprise has caused their hearts as it were to leap, so that they have been ready to break forth into laughter, tearing often at the same time issuing like a flood, and intermingling a loud weeping."17 E. M. Bounds records Wesley saying, "The power of God came mightily upon us, so that many cried out for exceeding joy, and many fell to the ground."18 Charles Finney wrote that after he testified about his experience of being baptized in the Spirit, a usually serious elder of his church "fell into a most spasmodic laughter. It seemed as if it was impossible for him to keep from laughing from the very bottom of his heart"
David |
| 2008/4/23 10:12 | Profile |
| Re: Pigs In The Parlor | | Brother Tom,
Julian:See edit below. The Hammonds took the name as the copywrite faded, I assume. "Pigs in the Parlour" was published @ 1906 or 1907, thanks though.
Now thats interesting. I guess if it's true then it's i who stands corrected.
God Bless, |
| 2008/4/23 10:13 | | psalm1 Member

Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 1230
| Re: | | Destiny wrote;
Praise the Living God of true signs and wonders..Jesus is Alive! He is Superbly Awesome! Glory!!
Good synopsis..comparison. Let it be known..God is the God of true signs and wonders..He still moves mightily in accordance with His Divine Will! Let us give thanksgiving and praise for He is the same yesterday,today and forever!
Amen! I am so glad I found the articles.Seems most of the revivals were experiencing the Holy Laughter from heaven!!!!
David |
| 2008/4/23 10:19 | Profile |
| Re: | |
War on the Saints!!!!! Not Pigs in the Parlour! sorry 3 times. Hammond's quoted Penn Lewis, who was in collaboration with Evan Roberts!
Sorry for the petty stuff, everyone, but I boo-booed and had to OK it. :-? |
| 2008/4/23 10:30 | | MisterCheez Member

Joined: 2006/2/22 Posts: 96 Colorado
| Re: | | Pure signs and wonders still occur, including such things as laughter.
I (and others) have made the mistake of seeking signs/wonders AS God. This has led to confusion and deception.
When the disciples returned to Jesus, excited that demons had submitted to their words, Jesus told them not to rejoice in that but rather that their names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Signs and wonders merely validate/accompany the primary message - Christ crucified and repentance. God is interested in repentance and forgiveness - the restoration of fellowship which was broken in the Fall. Christ came to save us from death, sin and God's wrath.
Signs and wonders are not an end in themselves. Assessing the presence of God based on natural sights and sensations (laughter, stupor, drunkeness, tongues, prophecies, etc) is a grievous error.
Yes, we should desire to see God move in power. My heart longs to see signs and wonders, but, signs and wonders by themselves, when sought above holiness, God's glory and the salvation of other souls, are an avenue to deception.
Art isn't speaking wholesale against signs and wonders (as noted by another post), he is responding to the carnival assemblies where God seems secondary and emotionalism (soulishness), selfishness, chaos, foolishness, flesh and man are exalted.
May God keep us from deception, fill us with His Spirit and show us pure signs and wonders.
_________________ Brian Erickson
| 2008/4/23 11:44 | Profile | psalm1 Member

Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 1230
| Re: | | Mr cheez wrote; Signs and wonders are not an end in themselves. Assessing the presence of God based on natural sights and sensations (laughter, stupor, drunkeness, tongues, prophecies, etc) is a grievous error.
Look at the subject of salvation. We see much more error concerning this topic than anything else. But to also put the blanket indictment on salvation.......That would be silly. I would submit that if a man was in the bridge building business and the pilings were the main support of the bridge that a group of well meaning peers would never let the man finish the bridge for restraints. You cant even say pavement or guardrail.And you know cable is a bad word. lets all just admire our pilings and call it a complete bridge.
Even C&MA leader A. W. Tozer also spoke positively of holy laughter:
Now I say that worship is subject to degrees of perfection and intensity. There have been those who worshiped God to the place where they were in ecstasies of worship. I once saw a man kneel at an altar, taking Communion. Suddenly he broke into holy laughter. This man laughed until he wrapped his arms around himself as if he was afraid he would bust just out of sheer delight in the presence of Almighty God. . . . So worship is capable of running from the very simple to the most intense and sublime.26
So many great men of God experienced Holy Laughter. Aren't you glad not all stifle the Holy Spirit?
David |
| 2008/4/23 13:01 | Profile | hmmhmm Member

Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Re: Art Katz: Lying Signs and Wonders: Deceptions of the Last Days | | [url=]Anatomy of Deceptionby Art Katz[/url] _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2008/4/24 1:51 | Profile |