What are we living our lives for?, is a question we need to ask ourselves these days. Are we living for the moment,living for the next thrill we can find in the world?. Our focus as a kingdom of priests must be on eternal things, things that will last for all eternity. We must focus on eternal values :-P .Shalom, in HimJames
_________________James Nugent
eternalvalue wrote:What are we living our lives for?, is a question we need to ask ourselves these days. Are we living for the moment,living for the next thrill we can find in the world?. Our focus as a kingdom of priests must be on eternal things, things that will last for all eternity. We must focus on eternal values :-P .Shalom, in HimJames
What are we living our lives for, or Who are we living our lives for?1 Cor 6v20, 'For you were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are His.'Eternal values?Eternal values are for those with their eyes on eternity. They value the life to come, that Jesus promised those that would believe in Him, John 14v1-3.I like what it says in verse 3, '...that where I am, there you may be also.To be with Jesus, that is beyond my imagination.But, the promises of God are yes, and in Him amen, to the glory of God through us, 2 Cor 1v20.God bless.
God has destined us for His purposes; and Hispurposes are eternal!! Yes, we are called intoHis kingdom, and His kingdom is eternal as well!!
_________________Martin G. Smith