Poster | Thread | psalm1 Member
Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 1230
| Re: | | Moe said: "Where do we go when we die, if we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb? 2 Cor 5:8"
This too is interesting. If the dead are raised,why do they need raising if they died "saved"?
This could be a Ron Bailey question.
| 2008/4/13 19:44 | Profile | psalm1 Member
Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 1230
| Re: | | Moe said;
"Do we have any people who speak in the world today that fits this description? 1 John 4:1-3
One thing to consider,correct me if I am wrong but his number isn't 6-6-6 . It is six hundred sixty six.
I once heard that in Russia their is no "w" in their alphabet. They use a "V". V is 6 in russian numerology. Which would make the "WEB" 666
A russian told me this but I never checked it out
David |
| 2008/4/13 19:59 | Profile |
| Re: | | Romans 5:8-10
8But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
10For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
| 2008/4/13 20:37 | | rowdy2 Member
Joined: 2007/1/21 Posts: 528 Southern USA
| Re: | | Reply too wisevirgin
Welcome, hope you will share more with us on this forum, your sight seems to have improved remarkable please pray for ours.
Eddie _________________ Eddie
| 2008/4/14 8:04 | Profile | psalm1 Member
Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 1230
| Re: | | The McDonald dream;
By far the biggest mistake post-tribulationists have made attacking the rapture is claiming that the pretribulation rapture wasnt taught before 1830. In fact, John L. Bray, a Southern Baptist evangelist, offered $500 to anyone who could prove that someone taught the rapture doctrine prior to MacDonald's 1830 vision. Bray was first proven wrong when he wrote in a newsletter, "Then my own research indicated that it was Emmanuel Lacunza, a Jesuit Catholic priest, who in the 1812 book The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty, first taught this theory." Bray stuck his neck out again when he made another $500 offer to anyone who could provide a documented statement earlier than Lacunza's 1812 writings. Apparently he had to cough up the 500 bucks. I quote him again: "I offered $500 to anyone who would give a documented statement earlier than Lacunza's time which taught a two-stage coming of Christ separated by a stated period of time. No one claimed that offer until someone found writings that forced Bray to write the following: Now I have the Photostat copies of a book published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1788 but written in 1742-1744 in England, which taught the pretribulation rapture before Lacunza." Lately, a number of other sources have been located that teach the pretribulation rapture--some written as early as the second century. Where does this leave Margaret MacDonald?
More on Margaret; "When one closely examines MacDonald's vision, it becomes clear that her vision could not have been a pretribulational one. MacDonald looked for a "fiery trial which is to try us," and she foresaw the Church being purged by the Antichrist. Any pretribulation rapturist can tell you the Church will be removed before the advent of the Antichrist. John Bray, an anti-rapturist, said himself that Margaret MacDonald was teaching a single coming of our Lord Jesus. This contradicts current rapture doctrine, which teaches a two-staged eventfirst, Christ coming for His Church and second, seven years later His return to earth. With so many contradictions between MacDonald's vision and today's pretribulationism, it is difficult to see any linkage"
by Todd Strandberg
| 2008/4/14 9:15 | Profile | psalm1 Member
Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 1230
| Re: | | The Last Trumpet Argument
Because Paul, in 1 Cor. 15:52 and 1 Thes 4:16, said believers would be raptured at the sounding of a trump, many folks have tried to make it appear that the rapture trumps are the same trumpets found in Revelation 11:15-18, Joel 2:1, and Mat 24:31--which all occur during the tribulation.
When you have trumpets commonly used throughout the Bible, I think it's foolish to just assume any two of the 62 trumps or trumpets are prophetically related. To be able to make the claim that the tribulation trumpet soundings are the same as the rapture trumps, you would need a direct statement saying this is the case.
In the movies Ben-Hur and The Wizard of Oz, I recall hearing the sounding of trumpets. Are both these trumpets somehow prophetically related?
If your friend John said he went to his favorite restaurant last night, and another friend Larry said he also went to his favorite restaurant last night, is it logical for you to assume they both went to the same restaurant? Obviously not, because even though John and Larry went to their favorite restaurants, they may have had two different eating establishments in mind. The same logic should apply with the word trumpet.
With such a blind devotion to this one similarity, I have to wonder if these last-tumpeters are able to distinguish the difference between Tylenol and Exlax. They're both over-the-counter drugs, they come in pill form, and they can also be found in a medicine cabinet. Of course, one will make your headache disappear and the other will make your toilet paper disappear.
Pre-wrath proponents say that the Seventh Trumpet blown in Rev 11:15-18 is the same last trump Paul spoke of in 1 Cor 15:52. However, they fail to take into account the fact that John wrote Revelation 40 years after Paul wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians. How could Paul refer to something that was not yet revealed?
Post-tribbers use a trumpet sounding in Joel 2:1 as evidence for a post-trib rapture on the Day of the Lord. I have three problems with Joel 2:1:
1. Joel clearly says that the purpose for blowing the trumpet is to "sound an alarm."
2. According to 1 Cor 15:52, the rapture is something that occurs in the twinkling of an eye. Joel 2:1 says the Day of the Lord is nigh at hand. In order for Joel's trumpet to be the same one in 1 Cor. there would have to be a time delay between the sounding of the trumpet and the rapture of the Church.
3. The fact that there is another trumpet being sounded in Joel 2:15 further clouds the possibility that these trumpets could have anything to do with the rapture.
When Paul was writing to the Corinthians, he specifically said "the" last trump. During the Feast of Trumpets, the Jews blow short trumpet blasts. They end the feast with a long blast from what is called the last trump, which is blown the longest. Judaism has traditionally connected this last trump with the resurrection of the dead. Paul also made the connection. For many Christians, the association between the rapture and the Feast of Trumpets is so strong, they look for the rapture to someday occur on this feast. Todd Strandberg
| 2008/4/14 9:26 | Profile |
| Re: | | Still waiting on answers 04/16/08
moe_mac wrote: Sunday 04/13/08 5:00:03 PM Please help me here. I am of pre-trib belief of the scriptures. I want to be correct in my theology. Below is some info in how I reached my conclusions. Please look at these and tell me where I have gone wrong, if I have. Please stay with these scriptures. Please answer these questions in a post trib manner and try to convince me if you stay with these passages and add to with others but please explain these passages. I know there are some good Bereans out there that will and can explain these to correct an error on my part.
If we physically die before the tribulation starts and we are saved and before Jesus reveals the anti-christ, will those saved people who are physically dead (Christians) go through tribulation in the post-trib belief? John 6:44
Has Jesus already raptured some Christians that have physically died and when did it happen, do we have a pattern of this future resurrection other than Jesus our first fruits? Matt 27 53
If we don't go through the tribulation, when we are physical dead, then is that fair and just for all, if only those Christians who remain go through the great tribulation? Acts 10:34
If a Christian goes through the great tribulation will that death be more or less painful or more or less desirable or more saved, than many some natural or accidental deaths that some Christians have already experienced thus far today in the world for Christ? 2 Cor 5:8
Has Jesus already revealed the antichrist? 1 John 4:3
Is the antichrist already in the world? 1 John 4:3
Was the spirit of antichrist already in the world when Jesus spoke of him? 1 John 4:3
What are the qualities that we can recognize about the antichrist, if he masquerades himself around as an angel of light? How can we tell what his spirit is? 1 John 4:1-3
Do we have any people who speak in the world today that fits this description of the antichrist? 1 John 4:1-3
Will the gentiles, non-Jewish decent (saved people), go through the tribulation or only unsaved Jewish people who hasn't made Jesus Lord and Savior?
What is meant by the passage when the fullness of the gentiles come in? Rom 11:25
What is being referred to in the passage about grafting back in the natural branches and the wild olive shoot? Rom 11:17-21
Where do we go when we die, if we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb? 2 Cor 5:8
edited and question added: Do the scriptures indicate Noah's ark a sign of Jesus' coming. and if so, who will be in the ark and are the saved people, just as Noah's family was saved from the wrath of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Where was the people of God when the wrath of God was poured out upon the world with water in the Day of Noah? Where they not safe in the Ark? Where were the lost people? Outside the ark right? Did Jesus not say this is the same way it will be, Just as it was in the Day of Noah? Will he use fire next time? Matt 24:37
| 2008/4/16 14:33 | |