_________________Samuel Thomas
Why am i not shocked when it comes to Opra Winfrey. First she says in an earlier video that Jesus Christ is not the only way, and now this "new video". Yes we do need to pray for her and those watching this who are not saved.Thank you Sems for sharing this. God Bless You.
THis is for sure somthing that we as Christain should be praying about...Do we not see the times changing before our eyes, Although we as Gods own we are not to fear. Yet there is this warning we are to be awake and so there Awake I would pray. If indeed these thousand of so called christian start to watch this they too will be lead into these lies. But God came to seek and save the lost. But this teaching is very heart braking, we must beware what is happening. Wisdom is very imporatnt. This teaching is evil and is reaching millions every week. What can we do, but be will get on our Knees NOW and start praying for boldness that will risk our lives to preach the gosple. A differnt Jesus is being preach, weep brpthers and sister. A differnt Jesus is being prached. They say they read the bible, like many before they taken and changed to mans teaching. The Word of God has added to, weep this not truth. yet know Not truth. Christ is the only way, there is no other way. Weep for they say there is more then one. And those who are go to Church and hold to some teaching are the ones, who are missing it. MAy God have mercy and open eyes to these lies. We need Gods mercy, when our eyes be weeping in great pain our this nation. Let it be now, let be we will pray and seek God. We are not ever so needy now?Thank you for posting this. Let us Pray ineed.
Disgusting and sickening. "Offenses must come, but woe to them through whom they come." Hold tight to your bibles and pray.
Sems,Thank you for bringing this here for [u]prayer[/u]. I'm going to post the link in the thread The Emerging Merger, where it also fits.