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Discussion Forum : Revivals And Church History : Revival in Jena, Louisiana

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Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Re: Jena

Praise God! I was touched by the pastor's comments regarding the changed atmosphere in Walmart. I would love to hear more stories like that- how the revival is affecting the community beyond the meetings, especially the process of interracial healing.



 2008/5/6 8:24Profile

Joined: 2008/4/7
Posts: 797

 Re: Media's last report

Many on SI will recall the reports of revival in Jena. Opposition from one quarter, Lakeland and “The Shack”, quickly burst on the scene as a distraction. From another, there was a massive influx (way out of proportion to the size of this little town) of media and “civil rights” folk looking inflame things. But God came and the victory was His. The media, though in town did not cover this. Now most of the web links (with at-the-time testimony) are gone but here is one sample of report/testimonies close to the time: [url=]Link[/url]. There were others from the man in "Dirty Horses" and daily reports on the regional denomination site.

Today (06/26/09) the media probably reported its last about what happened in Jena. Their history has zero mention of the buses and big name guys (Jesse Jackson) that came for a hay-day that never happened. How they quietly left town. And there is no mention of a southern town where God brought repentance and reconciliation between “black” and “white,” beginning at the house of God. Maybe some day we will have the whole report. [url=]Link[/url].

 2009/6/27 1:49Profile

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