men and women, i was wondering if you could pray for me, and two other brothers who are going out to witness and possiable street preach in San Antonio Tex, Sat. the 5th before the final 4 game starts, i ask for your prayers that, God would bless this time and HIs gospel would be prached with boldness love andy
I'll be praying for ya'll.Praise God that you're going out to spread the Gospel!Let us know how it goes.
thank you, thanks alot for all who prayed and are praying love andy
I will be praying also - what time does the game start?
God bless your faithfulness, we should all be so bold
Much grace and love be with you Andres.How beautifull are the feet of them bring good news.Chris
_________________Christopher Joel Dandrow
well it was a great time on sat. we got to san antonio about 11 am, leaving brownsville around 5.30 am... and off the bat we ran into a couple. the guy was a catholic who tried to kill himself a couple of days earlier and the girl was a backsliden christian( her words). we preached the gospel to them. we told the guy who was catholic the danger in trusting in anything other then christ and urged the girl to repent and turn away from her sin, they girl wept and the guy was shocked about what we were doing.. after we finished we prayed with with them and then they thanked us and hugged us.. As we wanderd around the down town area looking to get to the arena of the basketball games we came across a park where the homeless would hang out. we begin to preach the gospel to them , but recieved much resistence, One man challenged our Christanity saying that Christians refused to help them out. so then we asked them what they needed we got a list of items that the homless needed such as soap, underware, socks, shoes, and other products and took off with a guide to lead to all the stores and back to the park. About an 1 and 30 mins later we came back with a load of goods. and they were astonished that we came back. we preach about that the things we are giving them are temporal but the things that Christ would give them are eternal. so we preached the gospel some fell under conviction. thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers God also fixed many things in my heart on this trip, thank you love andy
andres wrote:well it was a great time on sat. we got to san antonio about 11 am, leaving brownsville around 5.30 am... and off the bat we ran into a couple. the guy was a catholic who tried to kill himself a couple of days earlier and the girl was a backsliden christian( her words). we preached the gospel to them. we told the guy who was catholic the danger in trusting in anything other then christ and urged the girl to repent and turn away from her sin, they girl wept and the guy was shocked about what we were doing.. after we finished we prayed with with them and then they thanked us and hugged us.. As we wanderd around the down town area looking to get to the arena of the basketball games we came across a park where the homeless would hang out. we begin to preach the gospel to them , but recieved much resistence, One man challenged our Christanity saying that Christians refused to help them out. so then we asked them what they needed we got a list of items that the homless needed such as soap, underware, socks, shoes, and other products and took off with a guide to lead to all the stores and back to the park. About an 1 and 30 mins later we came back with a load of goods. and they were astonished that we came back. we preach about that the things we are giving them are temporal but the things that Christ would give them are eternal. so we preached the gospel some fell under conviction. thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers God also fixed many things in my heart on this trip, thank you love andy
_________________Josh Parsley