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saltlicker20 Member

Joined: 2005/11/11 Posts: 57 Grand Saline, TX
| Young Minister looking for opportunity | | Hey everyone!
My name is D.O. and I am a 21 year old college student looking for a chance to go share my heart with anyone this Summer through speaking.
I love Jesus. I love ministry...I especially love speaking ministry. After three years of camp ministry, the Lord's really placed it on my to go out this Summer.
If any of you know of an opportunity or would like to create an opportunity please just send me a message. I live in Texas near the Houston area, but will travel wherever the Lord opens doors.
I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing, I just know I have to go. If I don't go, I think my heart is going to explode!
_________________ DO
2008/4/3 19:33 | Profile |
PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: Young Minister looking for opportunity | | Hi D.O.
I am in San Marcos, between Austin and San Antonio. Quote:
If any of you know of an opportunity or would like to create an opportunity please just send me a message.
I am looking for a fellow minister to join me in some field preaching here in my city. Friday and Saturday nights down in the square, Texas State University, preaching Christ crucified and nothing else. No experience necessary. Are you interested? _________________ Paul Frederick West
2008/4/3 20:27 | Profile |
PreachParsly Member

Joined: 2005/1/14 Posts: 2164 Arkansas
| Re: | | Quote:
I am looking for a fellow minister to join me in some field preaching here in my city.
Fields in the city? :-P _________________ Josh Parsley
2008/4/3 22:14 | Profile |
PaulWest Member

Joined: 2006/6/28 Posts: 3405 Dallas, Texas
| Re: | | Hey, brother, this is Texas. Our city park is one big field with a river running through it. I think we have more fields than streets, actually.
8-) _________________ Paul Frederick West
2008/4/3 22:57 | Profile |
theopenlife Member

Joined: 2007/1/30 Posts: 926
| Re: | | Everything is big in Texas. |
2008/4/3 23:26 | Profile |
Onesimus4God Member

Joined: 2006/1/16 Posts: 398 Cyber Space
| Re: Young Minister looking for opportunity | | Dear D.O., Have you considered what God wants? I'm not judging, just curious. Have you sought the will of God in prayer? Is this what He told you to do, or is it a logical response to your thoughts of how to "break into ministry"?
The reason I ask is because you seem to lack direction. You have desire, perhaps an anointing from God. But without clear leading of the Holy Spirit, you will not be as successful as you desire, regardless of who invites you to share their ministry for the summer. If you are a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I trust that you are, rely completely on Him to lead you and guide you. He will direct your path. You may not have to advertise, but go to a minister or ministry, or to strangers and tell them you are sent by God. Then, I promise you, blessings and fruit will abound. You will overflow with giving glory to God, not man. You will not have to fight your flesh for a desire to self elevate itself. Let God create opportunities for you. He will, in His time, and it will succeed. Now isn't that what you really want?
"0" _________________ Lahry Sibley
2008/4/5 12:18 | Profile |
saltlicker20 Member

Joined: 2005/11/11 Posts: 57 Grand Saline, TX
| Re: | | Thank you for the wisdom Onesimus...I appreciate that alot...A LOT.
Normally I would not do anything like this (posting), but the Lord's been working on my heart for almost two months now. I've kept the desire to travel and go to myself these past couple of months because I was still torn on going to Summer School. I prayed that God would please not provide the financial aid (never had a problem with fin. aid before) if I were to go.
So He did.
As soon as He gave me the choice on what to do, I decided to get the word out looking for any opportunities possible..emailing friends in the ministry, posting on blogs, here, etc. I felt like He said ''GO'' I'm trying to Go.
I don't really want to "break into the ministry"... or establish a traveling ministry... or for my name to be known (there's nothing to know! :-) ....I just want to be obedient this Summer and Go! hahahaha - I think my heart will explode if I don't!
Anyways, I hope that clarifies some of my intentions. (I hope it doesn't sound defensive!) I'm pretty young and ignorant...and goofy - so whatever said is usually in a goofy tone.
What do you think??
_________________ DO
2008/4/6 10:58 | Profile |
saltlicker20 Member

Joined: 2005/11/11 Posts: 57 Grand Saline, TX
| Re: | | I did forget one thing.
I do have one HUGE burden on my heart. It's not very "sermonindex-ish" but it really hurts.
The main thing I want to do this Summer is love. As in, madly love the Lord and madly love on people.
I've listened to a lot of sermons and have read a lot of opinions about the church being filled with ''unconverted believers'' and how we don't love the Lord...and we're not consumed with the Lord...and how we are pretty much punks in the pews.
That's cool.
I've seen it called I just want to be a part of the solution. I live in a community of believers where it is much like the early church. No one is without need, no one is possessive of what he/she owns. We love each other....seriously LOVE each other. We have community. It breaks my heart when I go to churches and see no love, no community. They don't need someone to deliever a sermon and say, "You don't love each other, you don't have community" ....they just need someone to go love on them and SHOW how to have community. (within Christ Jesus)
Community doesn't come from a book. or Love. It comes from seeing it done to you and you passing it on to someone else.
I don't know....that's really been eating on my heart for a while. I just want to go love people. Not because I know how to love. Just because the Lord has shown me love and community. I just want to take what's been done to me and pass it on this Summer.
It doesn't sound all whitefield or wesleyish...but that's it.
-DO _________________ DO
2008/4/6 11:06 | Profile |