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Joined: 2008/2/22
Posts: 173
Sylacauga Alabama

 Re: hey

look up to the message I left you above the next reply brodav9


 2008/3/25 17:26Profile


But then I feel torn. Where is it now, Lord?

Psalms 62:11 God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.

It's the same place it's always been. With God. And He hasn't changed.

Why don't we see many today with this power? Because I'm afraid that we're unwilling to PAY the PRICE that these men of old paid.

I read about Wigglesworth, where he fasted (from food) and prayed on his face for 10 days straight, claiming the gift of the Holy Ghost by faith. And another time when he did the same for 7 days straight. How many of us have ever done that for the gift of God's Spirit? And this is just the beginning of the price that man paid to get the power with God that he got.

There's one way to the POWER of the RESURRECTION, and that is ONLY through the CROSS. You have to fall into the ground and die before you can bring forth lasting eternal fruit. It's a heavy price to pay, and there's no way around it. It means that one must EMBRACE as a way of life the SUFFERINGS of Christ, as Paul did, and die daily, truly, and I mean truly. And through this God will baptize one in anguish and with the burdens of His heart. Why did Wigglesworth pray with such compassion for the sick? Because He shared the heart of Jesus.

I once heard a man who fellowshipped with a man that knew Wigglesworth. He said that when he went out to eat with Wigglesworth, and what struck him was not the power he had. Wigglesworth didn't talk about any miracles. You know what he talked about? He burst into tears at the dinner table and began to speak about LOST SOULS who need JESUS. This preacher guy later tells others saying, "Everybody talks about the miracles this guy did, but nobody realizes the pain and agony he goes through under the heart of God and the compassion he has for the lost". Saying that his miracles doesn't come close to touching his love and compassion, in comparison.

I hear about brothers in back jungles reaching unreached tribes for the Gospel who plant 300, 400, 500, even 600 or more churches. Signs and wonders follow them. People get healed. Insane get delivered and made whole. Even the dead are raised. But no one knows their names... except God, and all the demons in Hell. "Jesus I know, and Paul I know..."

Are we willing to pay the price of suffering and living a lifestyle of martyrdom in order that our names may be known in Hell?

I read another story of Wigglesworth where he walked into a room to deliever a girl. Two men were holding her down as the demons manifested and threw a rage. The demons popped up and looked at Wigglesworth and said, "We know who you are. You don't have enough power to cast us out". Wigglesworth replied, "Youre right, I don't. But Jesus does! And greater is He that is in me than he that's in the world! Come out!" And seven devils came out of her, throwing up and giving their names as they shreiked out.

Again, is our names known in Hell? If not, we need to get back to the Cross. That's where it all starts. And that's where God's power leads to. Let us not idolize MEN, but let us look to God, to Jesus Christ, for He is the same today as always, and men are but unprofitable servants, unworhty slaves, and are only made something when Christ is that something Who works through them as they empty themselves.

 2008/3/25 18:39

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


AD Said..."But then I feel torn. Where is it now, Lord?
Why must I always be reading about these things from another day or another place?

Eagles fly alone bro. To do the things wigglesworth did is a bitter cup.

But....we can do it too!!!


 2008/3/25 19:00Profile

Joined: 2007/11/29
Posts: 12



That's an excellent post! ... thanks for sharing.

I love this section here:

There's one way to the POWER of the RESURRECTION, and that is ONLY through the CROSS. You have to fall into the ground and die before you can bring forth lasting eternal fruit. It's a heavy price to pay, and there's no way around it. It means that one must EMBRACE as a way of life the SUFFERINGS of Christ, as Paul did, and die daily, truly, and I mean truly. And through this God will baptize one in anguish and with the burdens of His heart. Why did Wigglesworth pray with such compassion for the sick? Because He shared the heart of Jesus.


 2008/3/25 19:49Profile


I must agree here with Psalm1, it is with Wigglesworth's life or any of the other church hx giants, all had to drink from bitter cup. I wanna add that although we are say certain things here and we say it from our mouths, lip service is null-n-void.

We must go down to the dust, we must learn to "roll n sackcloth and ashes", it must become part of our life. All that we say, all that we chirp or make noise about is 100% clinking cymbols and sounding brass to God until we truly submit to the cup. Even with a good heart, yes he knows our heart, but the dust, that is falling to the ground must be a heart matter day after day until we in our own lives/selves can rise no more.

We will come up from the dust newly born, newly driven, new, brand new with life and heart felt burden..Then I believe that life will come.

Now, that is it in theory, but in reality we r to cry and plea and brake b4 HIm and everyone else we r acquainted with.

praises be to God

 2008/3/25 19:56

Joined: 2007/2/3
Posts: 835
Alberta, Canada



psalm1 wrote:
AD Said..."But then I feel torn. Where is it now, Lord?
Why must I always be reading about these things from another day or another place?

Thanks, Psalm1, and all who reached out with encouragement when they read my question here (above).

Heartsong, thanks for the link to the story of the miracle taking place in Ami Oritz. I hadn't read that before.

When I spoke of always reading of these things taking place in another time and another place, I forgot that the SI "place" is a little bigger than my own little locale in the earth.

It also encourages me to know that when God dries up something-- as He has largely done the ministries of the great healing evangelists that were so prominent in the last century (and maybe Smith Wigglesworth doesn't fit in this category anyway)-- and yes, I know, we do still see and hear of healings, even of men raised from the dead-- but what I am saying is I think God has dried up this kind of healing ministry centred in one "great" man, and it's only because He has Something even greater in mind... if we will get seeking Him for it in OUR generation.

If He didn't dry things up we would just camp there forever probably. And every time we were sick, call up Smith Wigglesworth, or John G. Lake, or...

But, He has Something greater in mind than this, Something greater than the GIFT OF healing, or the MINISTRY OF healing centred in one "great" man.

Something greater, so that we don't always have to be looking wistfully back, reading of wonderful things of a past day we missed out on, but instead, looking AHEAD to greater things.

Which, as the different ones here have shared, there is a cost to it.

"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a NEW thing..." (Isa. 43.18).

Very encouraging words.

"For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside Thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him" (Isa. 64.4).


Allan Halton

 2008/3/25 21:27Profile

 Re: Was Wigglesworth seious?

AD said

He has Something greater in mind than this, Something greater than the GIFT OF healing, or the MINISTRY OF healing centred in one "great" man.

This comment reminds me of something I read in 'Come out the Wilderness', about David Wilkerson's initiation into New York, and seeing the Lord move there.... Of those early converts, he said something like this.... That they went out into the streets to testify to their old friends (and any who would listen), who were still bound in addictions and misery, and because no-one had suggested to these new born sons of God that they didn't have the calling, experience or faith to pray successfully for deliverance, [u]many were delivered, healed and saved[/u], kneeling on the sidewalk where they were, while the babes in Christ prayed for them.

 2008/3/26 4:40

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


this little priciple goes a long way;

......."The Lord is calling us along this way. I am thanking God for difficult cases. The Lord has called us into heart union with Himself; He wants His bride to have one heart and one Spirit with Him and to do what He Himself loved to do. That case had to be a miracle. The lungs were gone, they were just in shreds, but the Lord restored lungs that were perfectly sound.

There is a fruit of the Spirit that must accompany the gift of healing and that is longsuffering. The man who is going through with God to be used in healing must be a man of longsuffering. He must be always ready with a word of comfort. If the sick one is in distress and helpless and does not see everything eye to eye with you, you must bear with him. Our Lord Tesus Christ was filled with compassion and lived and moved in a place of longsuffering, and we will have to get into this place if we are to help needy ones.

There are some times when you pray for the sick and you are apparently rough. But you are not dealing with a person, you are dealing with the Satanic forces that are binding the person. Your heart is full of love and compassion to all, but you are moved to a holy anger as you see the place the devil has taken in the body of the sick one, and you deal with his position with a real forcefulness. One day a pet dog followed a lady out of her house and ran all round her feet. She said to the dog, "My dear, I cannot have you with me today." The dog wagged its tail and made a big fuss. She said, "Go home, my dear." But the dog did not go. At last she shouted roughly, "Go home," and off it went. Some people deal with the devil like that, The devil can stand all the comfort you like to give him. Cast him out! You are dealing not with the person, you are dealing with the devil. Demon power must be dislodged in the name of the Lord. You are always right when you dare to deal with sickness as with the devil. Much sickness is caused by some misconduct, there is something wrong, there is some neglect somewhere, and Satan has had a chance to get in. It is necessary to repent and confess where you have given place to the devil, and then he can be dealt with.


 2008/3/26 9:53Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


Here the old master is exhorting believers to "go after the devil/cancer.
That last sentence is awesome about you mouth , mind, and whole being" !!!

.....When you deal with a cancer case, recognize that it is a living evil spirit that is destroying the body. I had to pray for a woman in Los Angeles one time who was suffering with cancer, and as soon as it was cursed it stopped bleeding. It was dead. The next thing that happened was that the natural body pressed it out, because the natural body had no room for dead matter. It came out like a great big ball with tens of thousands of fibers. All these fibers had been pressing into the flesh. These evil powers move to get further hold of the system, but the moment they are destroyed their hold is gone. Jesus said to His disciples that He gave them power to loose and power to bind. It is our privilege in the power of the Holy Ghost to loose the prisoners of Satan and to let the oppressed go free.

Take your position in the first epistle of John and declare, "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world." Then recognize that it is not yourself that has to deal with the power of the devil, but the Greater One that is in you. Oh, what it means to be filled with Him. You can do nothing of yourself, but He that is in you will win the victory. Your being has become the temple of the Spirit. Your mouth, your mind, your whole being becomes exercised and worked upon by the Spirit of God


 2008/3/26 23:05Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


Wigglesworth in norway;

...........I was called to a certain town in Norway. The hall seated about 1500 people. When I got to the place it was packed, and hundreds were trying to get in. There were some policemen there. The first thing I did was to preach to the people outside the building. Then I said to the policemen, "It hurts me very much that there are more people outside than inside and I feel I must preach to the people. I would like you to get me the market place to preach in." They secured for me a great park and a big stand was erected and I was able to preach to thousands. After the preaching we had some wonderful cases of healing. One man came a hundred miles bringing his food with him. He had not been passing anything through his stomach for over a month as he had a great cancer on his stomach. He was healed at that meeting, and opening his parcel, he began eating before all the people. There was a young woman there with a stiff hand. Instead of the mother making the child use her arm she had allowed the child to keep the arm dormant until it was stiff, and she had grown up to be a young woman and was like the woman that was bowed down with the spirit of infirmity. As she stood before me I cursed the spirit of infirmity in the name of Jesus. It was instantly cast out and the arm was free. Then she waved it all over. At the close of the meeting the devil laid out two people with fits, When the devil is manifesting himself, then is the time to deal with him. Both of these people were delivered, and when they stood up and thanked and praised the Lord what a wonderful time we had.


 2008/3/27 15:00Profile

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