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Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777

 Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ from Us

by Roger R. Nicole


It seems strange that one should desire to speak at all about Polemic Theology since we are now in an age when folks are more interested in ecumenism and irenics than in polemics. Furthermore, Polemic Theology appears to have been often rather ineffective. Christians have not managed in many cases to win over their opponents. They have shown themselves to be ornery; they have bypassed some fairly important prescriptions of Scripture; and in the end, they have not convinced very many people--sometimes not even themselves! Under these circumstances one perhaps might desire to bypass a subject like this altogether.

We are called upon by the Lord to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). That does not necessarily involve being contentious; but it involves avoiding compromise, standing forth for what we believe, standing forth for the truth of God--without welching at any particular moment. Thus we are bound to meet, at various points and on various levels, people with whom we disagree. We disagree in some areas of Christian doctrine. We disagree as to some details of church administration. We disagree as to the way in which certain tasks of the church should be pursued.

If we are careful to observe the principles that I would like to expound in this article, we may find that they are valuable not only in the religious field but also in the realms of politics, business and family. Who does not encounter from time to time people who are not in complete agreement? Whether it is between husbands and wives, parents and children, co-workers on the job or fellow members in the church, it is impossible to live without disagreement. Therefore it is good to seek to discover certain basic principles whereby we may relate to those who differ from us.

There are three major questions that we must ask; and I would like to emphasize very strongly that, in my judgment, we need to ask them precisely in the right order:

(1) What do I owe the person who differs from me?
(2) What can I learn from the person who differs from me?
(3) How can I cope with the person who differs from me?

more here: [url=]Polemic Theology: How to deal with those who differ from us [/url]


 2008/3/12 12:52Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230

 Re: Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ from Us

Wow i have arrived !! finally a home! An actual thread where i am welcome!!
Where do we start???

Lets throw out some possibilities;

raising the dead

Laughing revival

Brownsville revival

Intimate worship

Any takers?


 2008/3/12 12:58Profile

Joined: 2007/6/14
Posts: 562
Indiana, US


Laughing revival

that's probably the one i would disagree with you on, but hey 3 outta 4 ain't bad huh?? :-)


 2008/3/12 13:03Profile

Joined: 2005/5/2
Posts: 3777


Wow i have arrived !! finally a home! An actual thread where i am welcome!!

Looking forward to your contributions, David!

Just curious, have you read the entire article? To me, it would seem that by the time one gets to the end of it, one's zeal may be a tad bit tempered. :-o



 2008/3/12 13:21Profile

 Re: Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ from Us


There are three major questions that we must ask; and I would like to emphasize very strongly that, in my judgment, we need to ask them precisely in the right order:

(1) What do I owe the person who differs from me?
(2) What can I learn from the person who differs from me?
(3) How can I cope with the person who differs from me?

1 Thessalonians 2
1For yourselves, brethren, know our entrance in unto you, that it was not in vain:

2But even after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi, [u]we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention.[/u]

When it comes to the Gospel, as there is only ONE Gospel.....I would say...count it all Joy when you are reviled, hated, heckled for contending for it.

To Contend for the [u]faith[/u] means the Gospel.

What **other faith** ;-) could anyone be referring to?

What do I owe the person who differs from me?

The Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the help me God!

And if you don't receive any contention...:-? Something is very very wrong.

But our new *Humanism approach to peaching the Gospel is to check in with self first, apply worldly principles of psycho-babbel, and when you have the world eating out of your are on your way to becoming the next Movie Star Christian!!!


 2008/3/12 14:44

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


If we have unbiased hunger for truth combined with insatiable appetite for the presence of God.

This makes for interesting "discussion" of heavenly things.

Our ability to step outside the box is our ability to see our destiny fulfilled


 2008/3/12 15:25Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Our ability to step outside the box is our ability to see our destiny fulfilled

Not if the "box" in question is sound doctrine.

Lets throw out some possibilities;

Raising the dead, laughing revivals? Friend, I agree we should throw these out. Why bring them into play here, why even make an issue of Brownsville when you know the disputes, the strife and confusion and divisions such topics will cause in the forum? Why don't we instead discuss love and patience and righteousness and humility and what God is really desiring to be exhibited in His children? Raising the dead is nothing, laughing like a fool is nothing, being thrown down to the ground is's even [i]worse[/i] than foolishness if we have not the fruit of the Spirit and all we want is to use these phenomena to generate debates.

I tell you, there are some here who are growing weary of controversial topics being brought up merely for the sake of controversy.

Paul Frederick West

 2008/3/12 18:24Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


Outside the box,meaning the religious box.
meaning legalism,
meaning if I dont think like the consensus I must be wrong.

I suppose the Anna baptist chose their religion just to be contentious?

You cant show me a single patriarch that thought "inside the box"


 2008/3/12 19:51Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


I really cant see how a revival where thousands are saved and set free......How can such a thing not cause controversy?

How in the world are you going to have any move of God that is not going to separate and offend many.

Just salvation in itself causes sever fracture and division.

The apostles were commanded not to speak of their king

I will answer as they "how can I not speak of the things I saw and experienced"


 2008/3/12 19:59Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


Paul West , maybe you should stop and think before you correct.

Remember ,this is a revival website.the Brownsville revival was one of the mightiest revivals the U.S.A. has seen

I'm Glad to hear you know my thoughts and intentions better than I do.

And i do see yours.

you say raising the dead is nothing?
You say people being slain in the spirit by the power of the Holy Spirit is nothing?

What else does the Holy Spirit do that offends you?


 2008/3/12 20:08Profile

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