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Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


I fully agree the local Church is so important and greaty needed. I am in a good Church right now. Although the fellowhip is often hard, because I live really far from most of the people who go there. and I have no car. But in that it make the visit even sweeter. There is a since of desire and willing to pay the cost to see others. There is since encouragement when we reach out to others. I think it because we are not thinking of self but others. God the greatest love is one who is willing to die for someone else.

Lesson learened, There is great joy in being fellowship, but more so to serve and love them.
I know my God has a good reason for these trails. How sweet it is when he bring us through the fire, that more of us may burned away. Glory to Him...Indeed we need each other. sadly lots in america are of fellowship and don't how we are live in this family mind set..

Thanks again for your prayers....

In Christ great love


 2008/4/6 2:28Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


The last few fews I taken a bus every other saturday to go to Church to pray on sturday. THe frist God put on my heart to go, I wanted to go, yet I dodn't. My reason was this. 1)It will take to long, a hour there on the bus and a hour home and hour there. 2) I will be the only one there, what it the piont, of going and praying alone. although I have done it many times, 3) My lack of faith, will God really use this time? can God work through just one person? Even with all my reasoning, God said Go!. SO I went go to share with some on the way. When I got there, God did work in my heart, to what a fool I was. Of course time in prayer is ever wasted. He also showed, that he desire a heart that is willing to pay the cost to pray, and not just do when it is easy. I know that I have fallen in that these last few months.

But what do you do when there is no prayer meeting? Do we give up what do we do? God has maybe it clear we are not to give, but seek to pray with others even more. Even if just one on one.

SO with the local Church, may God move us as a praying people in our own Churchs..

May we pray that God bring humble hearts who will be willing to give something to take time to pray.

May God move us to reach out to others and pray with them

May show us where we have said we are too busy to pray with others

May God move in us to have a desire to pray with others, and be real and honest in our prayers with others

May God brake our show of prayer, but sweet and honest heart crys

there are many reason why don't have time to pray, but we need God. That is our greatest need.

Lets keep praying for our Churchs and for all those who have no prayer meeting DON"T give up. Wait pray and seek God.

In Christ


 2008/4/8 0:40Profile

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