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Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 please pray

I have few words at this time, it 3:45 am. I yet to go to sleep. My heart is very restless and heavy. a friend gave a video watch, Just pure saddness and mourning over the state of this land. has ever hit you so hard over the lost lives, those of babies and those sick. In injutic all over, hopeless and helpless if there was no God. broken and sad is my heart. I am hit hard with the fact of evil, but the grace of God. what can I do? but cry pray and hope in God to save and carry out his plans. PLease pray I will have no fear of death, not my life is at days are numbered. May God give me peace in the sorrow.

I am so greatful thank you.


 2008/3/10 6:46Profile

Joined: 2006/8/25
Posts: 1658
Indiana USA

 Re: please pray



 2008/3/10 9:29Profile

Joined: 2006/6/7
Posts: 24


May our eyes be enlighten with the truth of our sleepless nights,
May our spirit soar on high, to catch that light,
May the fear that creeps our thoughts depart and see,
That our peace is of thee,
Pray, I will to see the strength that lies within,
Remembering, that with thee our spirit is free,

 2008/3/10 10:17Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Re: please pray

I am thankful for your prayers. Today started with a few testing. But the end I was worn out. Heart still remains heavy and a great need of prayer. When I got home to night I start cry Help lord, please help. I am so needy. Ineed what can I do a part from him. It is my cry my hearts desier that the cross will be capturing to me everyday. This cross is what is my center my life. I need His grace. I feel my heart just braking. discouragment so desire to steal my joy and veiw of the cross.

If God leads, please pray God will bring me back and I will die. I will have joy in the cross. please pray I will have encouragment, that God is with me. That is my joy and love my life. I just want to obey.

I am seeing again God useing braking to draw me again to pray. may he keep working

Thank you,


 2008/3/11 2:09Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Re: please pray

Thank you for praying.
Much was lifted today, I know the battle is far from over. After coming back from Ohio my heart was in such dis dress that I mourn for 2 months, it then took two more to get to normal thinking. I just couldn't write or think very well.I haven't been the same since, it seems once I got back I was hit and I wasn't ready. Flat on my face. Yet God has been carry and helping me along. Although my heart still longs for prayer. indeed I have been in a sprirtual battle but God help me to press on in prayer.

It again hit tonight, we are war. Is there rest at war? It as if I have heard the walls of america are burned down. What then I am I do? But weep and cry out for mercy. I needed His grace to see, so easy it was when I got to just live life, and not obey and truly pray for this nation. I must not wast my time, and indeed pray. Yet there is truth of reason, that says no you are sick weak, and busy and tride, and so on and on. What is really I can't I wont, so God please will you use someone else. What would will my prayer matter anyways. Indeed I walk away in dis trust.
May pride be stripped from me, there is no pity party, I can't do anything, but I can when Christ work through me.
I thought to tell God Here is my 2 weeks, can I get a new job, this was just isn't working.

my health and mind does make it, but I have God.

I beg you who read, please pray not just for me. But for our nation. Let be of little and of great action on our knees.

again I am thankful, I know I was ready today to edit all my post for prayer, and give up. But God humble me,

let us battle this together.
In Christ


 2008/3/12 3:38Profile

Joined: 2004/4/5
Posts: 952


God is with you, Charlene.
He will bring you through.
May He hold you, and give you His Peace.
God Bless you.

 2008/3/12 9:37Profile

Joined: 2006/9/13
Posts: 3179


Then was the king exceedingly glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God. - Daniel 6:23

God Calling - A.J. Russell

"Keep your Spirit-Life calm and unruffled. Nothing else matters. Leave all to Me. This is your great task, to get calm in My Presence, not to let one ruffled feeling stay for one moment. Years of blessing may be checked in one moment by that.

No matter who frets you or what, yours is the task to stop all else until absolute calm comes. Any block means My Power diverted into other channels.

Pour forth--pour forth--pour forth--I cannot bless a life that does not act as a channel. My Spirit brooks no stagnation, not even rest. Its Power must flow on. Pass on everything, every blessing. Abide in Me.

See how many you can bless each day. Dwell much in My Presence."

You are in my prayers.

 2008/3/12 20:48Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


thank you tj for praying for me.
and thanks awa40-2,
may eyes truly be open to the truth, if sleepless night, then may be for his glory.
yes may fear quickly go. may i fear God alone.
thank you, i truly in great need of wisdom and
peace form christ. I feel in such a great need for God to help me. This last week, I have let fear and my abity. but with christ we have power. may God rise us up to stand and kneel and pray. again thank, I am very thankful.
any time, my heart becomes heavy it wips out my health, I know this God knows what is best.
in christ


 2008/3/16 1:25Profile

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


heart song,
thank you for your encouraging words. it was a delight to my heart.

may God bring into his great presence, what delight there is with him.
may God help us. may he help to learn to be in his presence.

in Christ


 2008/3/16 1:29Profile

Joined: 2006/11/13
Posts: 121


Being, myself, at what i feel is the latter stages of a great valley in my life, I think charlene that you will agree with one of the things I have learned. Without our church brothers and sisters to help us through, how could we go on. It appears you are reaching out and in this online ministry, finding some support. Being able to reach out to brothers and sisters around me has helped me very much in the past few months. Without my local church, I don't know if I would have made it through. I encourage you to stay in fellowship, and as the time grows closer to the end, "forsake not the assembling together of believers."

God bless!

Matt Chenier

 2008/3/16 3:02Profile

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