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 Beijing unveils giant terminal

Inside Beijing's new giant airport terminal

[url=]Beijing unveils giant terminal (news report)[/url]


 2008/2/26 20:24

 Re: Beijing unveils giant terminal

Sis, how's the plans for the Olympics going, if you know?

 2008/2/27 4:24

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


Interesting, but if I may ask, what is the religious significance of making a thread on a big Chinese airport and [i]the plans for the olympics[/i] in a forum that is essentially revival-minded?

Just an honest inquiry.

Brother Paul

Paul Frederick West

 2008/2/27 9:32Profile

 Re: Beijing unveils giant terminal

HE_Reigns asked

how's the plans for the Olympics going, if you know?

I haven't followed, except to know the cost is escalating.


Used to listen to the radio more than I do now.

 2008/2/27 9:42

 Re: Beijing unveils giant terminal

Paul asked

if I may ask, what is the religious significance of making a thread on a big Chinese airport and the plans for the olympics in a forum that is essentially revival-minded?

Hi Paul,

I don't know if you remember when China first opened up to English speakers, but a great many Christians had been praying long, for the opportunity to go and evangelise there; some, particularly students or young graduates, took the invitiation to go and teach English for a year, as one good reason for giving this as time in the Lord's service in a foreign field.

Then Rupert Murdoch bought the right to beam Sky tv to China, and apart from the content of such a service, here grew another layer of English speaking proficiency amongst Chinese, and hugely fast.

An event like the Olympics always attracts attention from those with a heart for evangelism, and as such, all information about what to expect there, would seem relevant to me if I was going, especially since the language barrier has been broken down.

As you probably know, Mr Murdoch attended Robert Schuller's recent 'Rethink' conference, which implies his sympathy with the new world order agenda, and The Emerging Merger. There is already a State church in China (whose name escapes me - something with 'Three' or 'Third' in it), and this in turns helps to focus prayer for both our Chinese brethren, and the unsaved.

That's how I was figuring.

 2008/2/27 10:16

Joined: 2006/2/7
Posts: 296


Not to mention the escalation of arrests and intimidation to believers living in the Beijing area. One instance, according to VOM (voice of the martyrs), a pastor was welded into his home, so that he could not go out and preach the gospel. This same man has been arrested, several times and continues to preach and evangelize. Two elderly women were arrested in another province and treated inhumanely. Orphanages have the worst death rates of any, with about a 20% death rate, due to starving to death.

This has all the trappings and moorings of Leninism and communism, all under the facade of the World Olympics as a spectacle to the world of what a great country China is.

Underneath all this is the underground church that continues to grow at an alarming rate, rates that equal the revivals of time past. The Three Self movement church (the state controlled church) have had to implement new state controlled pastors because the ones in place were converted. Those congregations are growing.

These facts are hard to document. I have received these stories from a professor who has been a missionary for 30 plus years.

there is a revival in China, amidst much persecution and there will be much persecution ahead for the believers there. We can pray that this revival will continue unabated as they (the chinese believers) pray that a revival of this kind will come to America. There is an extension seminary from the one I attend in China. Their students wake up every morning at 0500 in the morning, fall to their knees on a cold dirt floor and interceed for America. Within five minutes tears flow and much intense travail comes forth. The kind of revival they pray for comes out of trial and persecution.

Who is willing to be a pleasing aroma to God, like a flower, pressed and crushed, releases its sweet aroma?


 2008/2/27 12:52Profile


This spoke volumes to me the day it was posted. Thank you to those who see the burden. Pray for our Missionaries there, etc. etc. etc.. Thank you!

 2008/2/29 2:30



Ruach34 wrote:
Not to mention the escalation of arrests and intimidation to believers living in the Beijing area. One instance, according to VOM (voice of the martyrs), a pastor was welded into his home, so that he could not go out and preach the gospel. This same man has been arrested, several times and continues to preach and evangelize. Two elderly women were arrested in another province and treated inhumanely. Orphanages have the worst death rates of any, with about a 20% death rate, due to starving to death.

This has all the trappings and moorings of Leninism and communism, all under the facade of the World Olympics as a spectacle to the world of what a great country China is.

Underneath all this is the underground church that continues to grow at an alarming rate, rates that equal the revivals of time past. The Three Self movement church (the state controlled church) have had to implement new state controlled pastors because the ones in place were converted. Those congregations are growing.

These facts are hard to document. I have received these stories from a professor who has been a missionary for 30 plus years.

there is a revival in China, amidst much persecution and there will be much persecution ahead for the believers there. We can pray that this revival will continue unabated as they (the chinese believers) pray that a revival of this kind will come to America. There is an extension seminary from the one I attend in China. Their students wake up every morning at 0500 in the morning, fall to their knees on a cold dirt floor and interceed for America. Within five minutes tears flow and much intense travail comes forth. The kind of revival they pray for comes out of trial and persecution.

Who is willing to be a pleasing aroma to God, like a flower, pressed and crushed, releases its sweet aroma?

Amen Brother, (at least I have to assume you're a brother, as your profile says you're a forces chaplain. Though I have known a lady chaplain or two!)

Thank you to those who pointed out the priorities; evangelism and praying for the persecuted Church in China. I confess it hadn't occurred to me that the Olympics were an opportunity for the Gospel until it was mentioned.

But my main heart-burden since the early 1980's has been mostly for the Church, and especially Christian leaders, (including those on SI), in these days.

Maybe persecution is the only way we (the Church universal) can be purged of our dross before the Lord returns...

in Him


 2008/2/29 11:57


Maybe this thread should be in the prayer section?

 2008/2/29 11:58

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