Poster | Thread | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: | | Quote:
How does it become worse if you simply use actors as opposed to fictional characters?
Acting is much more likely to be an exaltation of self - be it our selves, or the extension of our selves through our children. |
| 2008/12/15 10:09 | Profile | Compton Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: | | Quote:
Acting is much more likely to be an exaltation of self
This would be a case of "The Menace of the Religious Hypocrite"; a type of character or method actor not limited to the theater or movies.
MC _________________ Mike Compton
| 2008/12/15 11:04 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: | | My acting career, such as it was, was very detrimental in my coming to the Lord - for I had learned to love the accolades. It took much sorting and sifting to determine what was truly done for Him, and what was done for the promotion of myself.
"Putting on a show" was such a way of life, that learning to do things in the simplicity of Him, was a major struggle. It took many, many, hours of examining my motives, and I had to go through it again and again. It was very painful because it had grown to be a part of who I was - of how I dealt with life - just put on the mask, put on the show, and then they will like me. I had learned that the approval of others was very important, for this is how you get their applause.
All of our goodness is found in Him. Something that I have examined very closely is our applauding of each other. Anything that "we do" that is good, is of Him. It is Him working through us. Anytime that we take the applause unto ourselves, we are taking it from Him.
When I read "The Knowledge of the Holy" by A.W. Tozer, the thing that struck me the most, and it is an image that still comes forth often, is that there can be only one on the throne at a time - it is either Him, or it is us - for He will not share His throne. In effect, when we put our self on the throne - we are taking Him off.
These programs, while they seem innocent, and even appear to be good, are a trap designed to get your children used to the accolades - to get them addicted to the heady high of exaltation of self.
This is going to sound really bad, but from what I have observed, people go to these things because their children, or someone they know is in them. For the most part, it is not about the Lord, it is about being amused and it is about pride.
This may not be true for you, but I would ask that you examine your heart in the matter - for you may be causing your children much difficulty in their future walk with the Lord. |
| 2008/12/15 19:00 | Profile | FireinmyBones1 Member

Joined: 2004/1/17 Posts: 219 Michigan
| Re: | | So the "religious movie" may not be the prime apostolic way of declaring the Gospel - but it does not negate the fact that much fruit has come as a result of it. The fact that there is potential for the exaltation of "self", pride or other such things is not sufficient "evidence" that there is anything inherently wrong with it. There is the potential for exalting onesself in preaching, singing, musicianship, painting and artistry, etc... are these things therefore wicked, vile and to be avoided simply becaue the potential for wickedness exists? Certainly not. Nowhere on planet earth does the potential for wickedness exist in a more pronounced way than on the internet. The irony? We all happen to be writing and reading posts that are on (GASP!) the internet. We are all just just a few letters and clicks away from some of the filthiest pornographic material that has ever existed. So what then? Throw the computer in the garbage? or use it responsibly and teach others to do the same? I'm casting my vote for the latter. Also bear in mind that much of Jesus' ministry took place in atmosphere's that had a high potential for falling into sin...
Because you or someone you know fell whilst involved in the entertainment industry or via entertainment is not reason enough the condemn the thing as a whole. Public speaking has been used to move the masses into frenzied demonic hysteria such as in the case of Hitler's Nazi Germany. On the other hand, public speaking has been used of God to move hundreds and thousands to true repentance as in the case of ... well the true church. Likewise, horrible movies, plays, dramas etc... have been used to drive people to lust, murder, hate, etc... yet there have been those powerful productions which have led countless men and women to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Do not get me wrong...I do understand the heart behind these posts and know them to be true and genuine. However, I think there are great dangers when we become so rigid and immoveable when it comes to things for which we have no CLEAR, ABSOLUTE, SCRIPTURAL instructions. Just my thoughts on the situation...
God bless Jeff _________________ Jeff
| 2008/12/16 0:27 | Profile | HeartSong Member

Joined: 2006/9/13 Posts: 3179
| Re: | | It is His love that compels us to come.
Person, after person, that I meet is trapped in this thing called "entertainment." And they do not see it - but they are being held captive none the less. The evil forces behind it is incredible. It is my opinion that only a heart fully surrendered to the Lord could withstand the powers of these forces - for anyone else it would be a trap.
On the other side of things - from the perspective of the "audience" - recently it was suggested to me that I had a judgmental spirit for having difficulty watching the praise team perform before the congregation. So I examined myself. The truth is, as I sit there watching them perform, all kinds of wicked thoughts come into my mind - it is VERY uncomfortable. On the other hand, there are others that have been before me on stage that have not brought about that response at all - rather they carry me along with them into a state of worship unto the Lord. So I began to examine, why some, and not others.
When I did a search in scripture on the word "perform," I found that there are many things that are to be performed (word, promise, service, vow, covenant, commandment to name a few), but I did not find that praise was something to be performed.
When I did a search on the word "entertain" I found one verse:
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." (Hebrew 13:2)
"Entertain" according to Easton's Bible Dictionary:
Entertainments, "feasts," were sometimes connected with a public festival (Deu 16:11,14), and accompanied by offerings (1Sa 9:13), in token of alliances (Gen 26:30); sometimes in connection with domestic or social events, as at the weaning of children (Gen 21:8), at weddings (Gen 29:22; Jhn 2:1), on birth-days (Mat 14:6), at the time of sheep-shearing (2Sa 13:23), and of vintage (Jdg 9:27), and at funerals (2Sa 3:35; Jer 16:7).
The guests were invited by servants (Pro 9:3; Mat 22:3), who assigned them their respective places (1Sa 9:22; Luk 14:8; Mar 12:39). Like portions were sent by the master to each guest (1Sa 1:4; 2Sa 6:19), except when special honour was intended, when the portion was increased (Gen 43:34).
The Israelites were forbidden to attend heathenish sacrificial entertainments (Exd 34:15), because these were in honour of false gods, and because at such feast they would be liable to partake of unclean flesh (1Cr 10:28).
In the entertainments common in apostolic times among the Gentiles were frequent "revellings," against which Christians were warned (Rom 13:13; Gal 5:21; 1Pe 4:3). (See BANQUET.)
From what I have been able to determine, if there is truly praise in our hearts, and our voices are being raised unto the Lord, others will be lifted along with us. However, if in His name, we make a show of ourselves . . . well, this is very dangerous territory that should not be taken lightly as there are serious consequences for both the speaker and the hearer. Would it not be the partaking of the unclean thing? The eating of something sacrificed as unto idols? |
| 2008/12/16 7:04 | Profile |