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Discussion Forum : News and Current Events : Larry Norman 1947-2008

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Is there only 4 or 5 of us on here that know who Larry Norman was? He had as much of an impact on the generation before me, and my own, as Billy Graham or Keith Green. In fact, Larry Norman was a huge influence in Keith's life before he was saved... pointing him to Jesus.

I was reading a website last week by a guy who is attempting to write a biography about Larry. He asked Larry about the helpng him with the book... and Larry's response was "People dont need to know about me... they need to know about Jesus."

(Thankfully he was later convinced to help the bioprapher. The book isnt complete yet)

Truly one of a kind.


 2008/2/27 8:51

Joined: 2004/7/7
Posts: 7534



I had never heard of him, but that doesn't mean a whole lot - I am from a different generation. And I was never into pop music which explains a whole lot more.

Yesterday I got this newsletter from "Christianity Today" and they had a news article about Norman. All I can say after reading it is he must have been an enigma. Here is the link:

My opinion of CT is that it is liberal - now, but their news articles are such you may not find else wheres. We started getting CT magazine over 30 years ago when we were in our late 20s. We quit in recent years because they have drifted to far into liberalism that I consider it a waste of resources to subscribe to it - a lot like going through garbage to find something to eat when my shelves and freezer are full of raw, nutritious foods. My Opinion.


Sandra Miller

 2008/2/27 9:48Profile


All I can say after reading it is he must have been an enigma

Yea, thats an understatement. He didnt live a perfect life, he made mistakes along the way... but what was refreshing about Larry is that he was honest and transparent about it. There was nothing fake about the man.


 2008/2/27 10:02

Joined: 2003/6/25
Posts: 5
Argyle, TX

 Re:'re not the only ones who know who he was...I left this message on his website.


I personally owe a lot to Larry.

When I was a stubborn soul and I listened to nothing but rock n' roll...I heard an electric guitar and a message about Jesus' love from Larry. He had the long hair of the time. While nothing is impossible with God, I'm not sure I would have accepted anything at that time in my life that didn't come from someone with long hair and an electric guitar. The Holy Spirit began a work in my heart that ultimately led to my repentance and acceptance of the Lord Jesus as my Savior.

The CCM industry owes a lot to Larry too.

Notwithstanding the majority of the commerical driven "clanging cymbals" (I Cor 13:1) we hear on "Christian Radio" today, there was a time that "Jesus Music" really was worship really did minister His truth and His love to a generation. It really did reach the lost. It really did accomplish His will.

I pray that you who are left behind remember the messenger, but more importantly the Message. May God grant His peace, which passes all understanding to the hearts and minds of his family.

Thanks Larry. I look forward to finally meeting you face to face and THANKING you personally.


For his last message and more information here is the link:

If you would like to leave a message or view the messages being left for his family here is the link:

Donald J. McKay

 2008/2/27 22:09Profile


Yep... in this day and age when Christian music is an industry that is raking in billions of $$ of year, and the artists have reached "superstar" status... Larry refused to be a part of it, and died poor.

But I am sure if you asked him right now, he'd tell you that he died rich!


 2008/2/28 7:15

Joined: 2007/4/19
Posts: 161
Sweden (Northern Europe)


What was cause of his death? Cancer, heart-attack, suicide, cerebral haemorrhage, stroke?


Magnus Nordlund

 2008/2/28 7:47Profile


Larry had had serious heart problems for the last 10 to 15 years. He had several heart attacks, and had been in and out of the hospital many many times. He had become very weak and could only do 3 or 4 concerts a year.

Apparently last week they knew his time was near because he dictated a farewell message to those who appreciated his ministry.

On Sunday morning (kinda neat that Larry would go to heaven on a Sunday!) he died of heart failure.

Even tho we lost a treasure... Larry had suffered for so incredibly long, I'm excited for him. He is in perfect health this morning.


 2008/2/28 8:29

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