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Joined: 2007/7/3
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The Earth

 Hinn turns over material to Senate panel

Hinn turns over material to Senate panel

By ERIC GORSKI, AP Religion Writer Tue Feb 26, 12:33 AM ET

A senator's investigation into spending and oversight at six "prosperity gospel" ministries has hit a roadblock with a minister intensifying his efforts to fight the inquiry, but made progress on Monday when another turned over documents.

Flamboyant Texas-based faith healer Benny Hinn had turned over material to the Senate Finance Committee in response to a letter of inquiry from Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, in early November, an aide to the senator said.

Meanwhile, another target of Grassley's investigation, Kenneth Copeland, sent a letter to supporters this month accusing Grassley of targeting the six ministries because of theological disagreements. Grassley denies the charge.

Copeland, whose supporters have called Grassley's office to protest, is a pioneer of the prosperity gospel, which teaches that God wants his followers to be rich both spiritually and materially.

Grassley, the ranking Republican on the finance committee, sent the inquiries after media reports and complaints from the public. He asked the ministries to answer questions about spending on things such as private jets and oceanside homes.

He also wanted to know about oversight from boards at the ministries.

Several ministries complained that religious freedoms were threatened and said that the Internal Revenue Service, not a Senate committee, had any business asking those questions.

Jill Gerber, Grassley's spokewoman, said it was too soon to characterize the documents from Hinn, but added that Hinn's representatives say "they want to be cooperative and transparent," and understood Grassley's position.

A Hinn spokesman did not immediately respond to calls for comment. Last week, he refused comment about Hinn's plans.

In a statement Monday, Grassley's office said it received about three-dozen calls from Copeland supporters echoing the letter's message. The statement said Copeland's response has fallen "far short," and that while lines of communications are open, "additional steps in the congressional review" also would be considered.

Grassley has said he doesn't think he'll need to resort to subpoenas, but hasn't ruled them out. Grassley is expected to send another round of letters soon reiterating the committee's jurisdiction over tax-exempt policy.

Only one ministry, headed by author and motivational speaker Joyce Meyer, has "substantially answered" Grassley's questions, Grassley's office said.

Two Atlanta-area ministers, Creflo Dollar and Bishop Eddie Long, have refused to cooperate, while Paula and Randy White of Tampa also have failed to provide any information, Grassley's office said.

Copeland, initially reserved, has become increasingly combative toward Grassley.

In a letter this month to supporters, Copeland wrote that the ministry's response to Grassley "contained detailed information about non-church related questions" but did not provide information it deems private.

Copeland said the ministry fully complies with all laws, and pledged that he would go to jail before turning over names of donors.

"The enemy is not going to steal what the Lord has won through this ministry, and he is not going to use this attack to bring harm to the rest of the churches and ministries in America!" Copeland wrote.

Referring to Grassley's comment that Jesus road into Jerusalem on a donkey, not a Rolls Royce, Copeland wrote that Grassley seems to have targeted the ministries because of their shared prosperity theology.

Grassley has said he is concerned with tax-exempt regulations, not theology.


 2008/2/26 6:01Profile

 Re: Hinn turns over material to Senate panel

This is a fine line... on one hand I think Copeland and Hinn have not been held accountable for far too long. Something does need to be done if they are breaking the law.

On the other hand, our Constitution and Bill of Rights protects our right to practice our religion without government interference.

The government may well need to look at these ministries. The problem is... where does it stop? Once the government gets thier foot in the door they usually force their way in.

The CHURCH should have held Copeland, Hinn and the others accountable long ago. But because she didnt, Uncle Sam now is involved.


 2008/2/26 8:31

Joined: 2003/6/11
Posts: 9192
Santa Clara, CA


Grassley, the ranking Republican on the finance committee, sent the inquiries after media reports and complaints from the public.

Agree with you Krispy, yet some of the Church has held them accountable but there are no ears to hear.

On the flip-side, because these are now in effect big business, generating huge sums of money there is every right of accountability deemed proper and rightly demanded of them.

The similarity that came to mind taking the complaints of the public and the media, is no different than what an Enron did, misappropriation of funds.

The government may well need to look at these ministries. The problem is... where does it stop? Once the government gets thier foot in the door they usually force their way in.

You know, that struck me maybe differently than might be supposed. An example of a Church that is operating in Spirit and in truth would be so above board that they would invite such an examination, prepare a table and welcome it. I do mean would this not be an incredible testimony and opportunity? To leave them baffled ... by example?

George Mueller certainly comes to mind here. His meticulous accounting practices just for one. But much more profound is those times where he was down to the last pennies and ... the Lord shows up. And, He has a record of it to boot.

Above reproach, if we have that, we have no thing to fear.

Mike Balog

 2008/2/26 9:29Profile


You know, that struck me maybe differently than might be supposed. An example of a Church that is operating in Spirit and in truth would be so above board that they would invite such an examination, prepare a table and welcome it. I do mean would this not be an incredible testimony and opportunity? To leave them baffled ... by example?

Absolutely! I agree 100%.

I wonder how many churches actually operate that way. Makes one wonder, does it not?


 2008/2/26 12:19

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


Uncle Sam now is involved.

Which raises the question, is the sauce that is being cooked up for the goose applicable to the gander? ;-)

I want less government corruption... or more opportunities to participate in it. (G. K. Chesterfield?)


Mike Compton

 2008/2/26 13:30Profile

Joined: 2006/2/7
Posts: 296


Question: How do we reckon this?

Rom 13:1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
Rom 13:2 Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
Rom 13:3 For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;
Rom 13:4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
Rom 13:5 Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience' sake.

This still applies, right?


 2008/2/26 13:43Profile

 Re: Hinn turns over material to Senate panel

Churches shouldn't be exempt from paying taxes. To many sneaky things going on.

Copeland and others should be cooperating with the law in a peaceable manner, not making a fool out of the Church of Jesus Christ. But then again, their God is not Jesus, it's money. They have an investment they need to protect and it ain't souls.

 2008/2/26 16:17

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


Churches shouldn't be exempt from paying taxes.

I understand this sentiment, but in the end if all churches get denied access to organize themselves under tax-exemption, then all non-profits should be affected. Make-a-wish, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, Compassion international...even the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation should be made to pay taxes.

I am cautiously resigned to the government investigation not on the basis of some senator's arbitrary ethical code or even my outrage over Benny Hinn's Versace collection, but only to measure Benny Hinn's organization against the law regarding the use of funds within NPO organizations as defined by 501c codes.

That Benny Hinn has a large fan base seems incomprehensible to me, but he is part of the risk we take for having religious liberty.


Mike Compton

 2008/2/26 18:37Profile

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