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And by the way Britain was just rocked by a 5+ scaled earthquake, Pure and undefiled religion is a needed badly, how long shall we escape here in America at least grand proportions of catastrophy?

let us pray

 2008/2/27 11:39

Joined: 2005/1/14
Posts: 2164



I'm not quite sure what "the church in Britain" or "the American church" is. The Body of Christ hasn't gone anywhere.

This type of language is used in scripture.

Rev 2 ..the church in Smyrna ......the church in Pergamos...the church in Thyatira...the church in Sardis.. ect..

Josh Parsley

 2008/2/27 12:01Profile

 Re: 2/3's of Britons claim no religion

Hi ginnyrose,

I have heard the inventor of the Alpha course, interviewed, and he is very clear who Jesus Christ is, what the gospel, and that people need to be saved. But, such is the depth of Christianity in some congregations, that the new converts are more on fire for God than the rest, and there has been another course designed to take them on - like [i]discipling[/i] would do. It's not all bad! But, there are people who walk away from the Alpha course, unconvinced.

On another point, you said this about changes at governmental level, which affect the ordinary citizen:

another form of robbery legalized by the system called government...

This made me wonder if you've been following Annie's thread The Emerging Merger, or have heard of the changes made in US Federal law recently. The only place I know to find the changes is the site called '', but probably as an American, you might be able to find out more, locally. It's difficult from here to judge if these two changes really are (effectively) 'treason' against y'all. I'd be interested in your mature opinion.

 2008/2/27 14:42

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