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Joined: 2005/8/1
Posts: 201
North West England

 2001 prophecy: Hilary Clinton to be president

I've just listened to a radio interview with Barry Smith, the author of the 'Warning' series and 'Better than Nostradamus' dated 10 Feb 2001 where he predicts that Hilary Clinton will become president after GW Bush. The guys in the studio seemed to think it was a bit far fetched but look where we are today. The series of 12 messages are interesting to listen to from all over the world as Barry refers to Germany, UK, Australia and USA amongst others and he tells us about the one world government and it's plans.

It's found on Barry's website I know Greg doesn't like us linking outside so you'll have to google it



 2008/2/19 18:02Profile

 Re: 2001 prophecy: Hilary Clinton to be president

Brother Steve, my eyes hurt. I did the google search and found the page, but I can't do media player stuff.
Which of the 12 is it that you are talking about?
I can ask someone to download it for me but not all 12.

I'd never heard of this man before, but after reading as much as I have tonite, my eyes hurt but not just from reading. Just felt a deep sorry for the man.
He's in Heaven now - but it just goes to show, what some we can do to others or as he said, "how we bite and devour each other" - something he refused to do later in life.
I read from a few sites, not his, except for finding the 12 messages page. I prefer knowing all sides first. He was not a prophet because he said God never gave him that calling and he never felt he was one, from what I read - but he was harshly persecuted over getting part of the y2k thing wrong - as very many ministers did - but he suffered so, just for that.

I need to read more - but not today. I'm just left with a deep sorrow inside. The Lord told him he was going home 9 months before and he told others again a few days before.


I don't know whether to say thank you or what, but I know nothing is posted by accident. If nothing else - what I've read just put the fear and MERCY of God deeper inside. Thanks for that.

 2008/2/19 23:23

Joined: 2008/2/6
Posts: 9


She has to win the Democrat primary first. That is looking increasingly unlikely with Obama's string of wins.

 2008/2/19 23:39Profile

Joined: 2005/1/8
Posts: 132

 Re: 2001 prophecy: Hilary Clinton to be president

I tried to stay out of secular affairs especially politics because it doesn't go well with religion, but I have a dream in Nov. 2007. Now one must discern dreams because the devil whispers his mischief in our sleepy ear. As I lack interest in politics I didn't inquiry of the Lord to know if the dream was of him, so I'll not make any claim. I dreamt that she lost the Primary. The people I told of the dream laugh at the time.


 2008/2/20 6:55Profile


That's wisdom Paula, how you don't put stake in dreams and mostly how you worded it.

In this that Steve brought up, I wasn't so interested in what he said, as who he was and his biography and what "broke his heart" - as it happened.

I'm not done yet - but I plan to finish his biography from all different sources.
There are tons of lessons in it. For one, he got involved with the wrong group. In this case, I'm not trying to judge anyone, but I saw "the Prophecy Club" name come up. I know they were deep into the y2k craze at the time.
Back then, we were collecting only Newspaper quotes from Senators and political people - and I still have those cut outs. I remember the hype from those days. The cut outs were what fueled most of it. Christian Researchers brought books quoting just those type sources and then later were shamed. Go figure.
You're right about getting involved with politics.

This man though, I went to bed early - for me - but didn't really get into a deep sleep. Restless. Woke up thinking about him.

I just recommend those who are around this prophetic movement - even whatever possible good ones there are or bad - to read up on what happened with this poor guy.
He had a lot of love for people and great sense of humor, when not preaching. There's a lot to be learned from him. He wasn't a huckster, from what I saw, but he went through some changes by who he hung-out with and finally, he separated from most - from what I've read so far - just from the influence that others can have. He meant well and was kind - preached hard Salvation messages, but those who responded to his preaching and accepted Christ, stayed with Christ.

I have to say this, my heart went out to what was done to those we know personally who's set dates. Christians do lack compassion.

I'll finish his biography and pass it around to some good people I know and have met on the net, that may profit from his life story.
Not a few good lessons I think for all actually - mainly on compassion I'd say.

Thanks again Steve and Paula.

 2008/2/20 7:25


Stranger things have happened... but I just dont think Hillary Clinton is electable. She is one of the most loved and most hated people in American culture. There is no in between, no one just "likes" her... it's either love or hate... and I think the scales tip toward hate among the general population.

And who wants to see slick Willie running around the White House again anyway?


 2008/2/20 9:08

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


after reading Krispy's post a thought occurred to me.

If Hilary were to take the VP nomination ,once in the white house,Barok could become one of many dead bodies that have mysteriously surrounded the Clinton's history.

A Clinton or obama win could trigger revival.
(people will be driven to their knees)


 2008/2/20 9:56Profile

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