I've had people to actually 'wish' I had a bad memory. For some strange reason - since July of '05 on here I don't. That is strange.I remember when I was rebuked for calling Bush "Bush" - but it is alright to call Sprugeon, Spurgeon or Moody, Moody, or Reagan, Reagan, or Putin, Putin, or David Wilkerson, Wilkerson.That's where the ballast was off from my early recollection.I've already posted to enough posts of what I've done right up to the State level before I became disabled. I asked above - what are we doing or have we been doing?One thing I won't do is defend a nation that has been corrupt and spread that same corruption thoroughly around the globe and give it more honor than we do "Spurgeon" or "Moody" or more than His Saints in our Bible did.To come to an earthly government's defense, more than the defense of what is right and proper in the order of the Church, is froth and hoopla.Grab the horns of the altar and cry out as if your very life depended on it and that of your entire family, that GOD will forgive for us putting political allegiances above what is right and wrong.Pray we become more like Jeremiahs rather than the others we've rubbed shoulders with, etc.. on this earth.Time to decide is short. The angels will be marking off those to be known as His and the others will take the other mark, because their allegiances have been unscripturally Off Kilter.God is merciful, but HE does warn for only so long. Lamentations.
All of our layer upon layer of social problem solving...like the endless coats of crusted paint on an old house that is rotten and ready to collapse. Sin rots the original house, and then come the social and religious discussions about restoration projects we are incapable of bringing about.
_________________Ron Halverson
Please continue to pray.I received the March issue of the Reader's Digest yesterday and on page 114 - the latest CDC report that came out this last December stated that 63% of High School Seniors are sexually active. That 4 out of 10 of their parents 'do' know that they are.And that teen pregnancy is back on the rise.
I got this email yesterday which sent a link to this site. I wish for you all to prayerfully read it and consider where our nation is going. Or, perhaps we already sense it in our spirit. But this article really disturbs me.Here it is:http://www.baptistpress.com/BPnews.asp?ID=27510Hard to close with my usual 'Blessings'...instead I am sorely grieved - I love our country...!ginnyrose
_________________Sandra Miller