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Joined: 2008/1/11
Posts: 375
Minnesota, USA

 Re: Sharia Law — Closer Than You Think...

EDITED TO ADD DISCLAIMER: This is an article/commentary from a FoxNews Associate on their website. These are not my words. (Just to avoid any further confusion!) The words in [b]bold[/b] towards the end of the article show why I posted it here.


[url=,2933,329725,00.html]Sharia Law - Closer Than You Think...[/url]

An American woman working in Saudi Arabia was arrested and spent time in jail where she was mistreated in various ways all because she went over to a male colleague in a Starbucks and sat with him.

It's true. This happened a couple days ago to a woman who — before this incident — had been gushing about the so-called "freedoms" in Saudi Arabia.

But when she exercised her freedom to sit down with a guy she knew from work, she was busted by the Saudi morals police, arrested and hauled off to jail.

This is Sharia law at work, and even though some of my co-workers are always telling me to take a "chill pill" when it comes to Sharia law, I'm afraid I just must tell you about this anyway.

Yes, it's Saudi Arabia and where else would you expect Sharia law, which is law based on the Koran. I get that part.

But at the same time today the archbishop of Canterbury, the leader of the Anglican Church in Great Britain, said to his fellow Brits, we're just going to have to accept Sharia law and get used to it.

So, now does it maybe strike closer to home than faraway Saudi Arabia? Here's the leader of the official Christian church in Britain saying we've got so many Muslims in this country who do not pay the slightest attention to English common law that we have to get used to the idea of Sharia law.

Well, why not just give up and vacate the country altogether Mr. Archbishop, your High Holiness, sir?

Sharia law is what got the American woman arrested in Starbucks.

Sharia law is what got the Taliban fired up in Afghanistan about making sure girls didn't go to school and daughters who have a crush on a boy can be killed by her father or brothers to preserve the honor of the family.

[b]Organized Muslim groups in Canada have demanded Sharia law there. It's closer than you think if it's Canada.[/b]

Heads up, Americans. Pay attention to Sharia law if you go to Saudi Arabia. And if you find someone demanding it here, make sure he is shouted down fast.


 2008/2/8 17:04Profile

 Re: Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable'

Hi SimpleLiving,
You said

saying we've got so many Muslims in this country who do not pay the slightest attention to English common law that we have to get used to the idea of Sharia law.

Well, why not just give up and vacate the country altogether Mr. Archbishop, your High Holiness, sir?

While I understand your point... to a point... this kind of reverse rhetoric is very difficult for people whose first language is not English, to understand.

And, although I hear ya', I don't think it helps anything. In fact, you're the second person to have said this in my 'hearing' today, and you're way off the mark, grossly exaggerating the impression this discussion might give, about the weight of Muslim opinion in the UK, when by numbers, they represent less than 2% overall.

The police [i]have[/i] educated themselves about honour killings, and there are likely to be more convictions over them - maybe even enough to make them as politically incorrect in the British Muslim mind, as forbidding to marry Asians of a different religion. I mean, we find this incomprehensible don't we? We do until we start being honest with ourselves about the rivalries which still exist in the UK and Europe [u][i]over football[/i][/u], which are the subject of many a campaign - [i][b]to prevent literal bloodshed![/i][/b]


I'm not suggesting at all that Sharia law is the way forward, because it isn't. It is a [u]LAW[/u] far stricter than the Old Covenant was being practised at the time of Christ. That's what's scary about it! We cannot imagine capital punishment for marital infidelity, or actually maiming someone for stealing, although we think we are sure [i]English[/i] law would never allow this. Rhetoric over terrorism doesn't justify the serious alterations being proposed to that part of the criminal law, either.... but I digress.

The big difference with the Old Covenant, was that we can see with the [i]Holy[/i] Spirit, how it attempted to bring people to an understanding of sin and of righteousness, and brought both within their reach in a measure. Then, Jesus Christ came and died [u]for us[/u] - for [u]all[/u] our sins, and by faith [u]in Him[/u] - we can go free from [u]all[/u] capital punishment - including that final judgement after we die - as long as we do also give up sinning! That's GOOD NEWS!


What caught my eye in Rowan Williams' words of defence though, was this:

Claiming he never called for the introduction of the Muslim system, Dr Rowan Williams claimed he wanted to "tease out some of the broader issues around [b]the rights of religious groups within a [u]secular state[/u][/b]" .... he added he had only used sharia as an example.

The use of the phrase 'secular state' is unfamiliar to British ears. That's what the French have - but not us. This is one of the very first times I've heard Britain being described this way. And in the mouth of someone as pagan as he is Christian, it is a strange confusion of voices I hear. Amongst them, I hear the Spirit calling [i]me[/i] to believe, calling [i]me[/i] to follow Jesus, to be a light in a dark place.


 2008/2/8 18:40

Joined: 2008/1/11
Posts: 375
Minnesota, USA


Hi SimpleLiving,
You said
saying we've got so many Muslims in this country who do not pay the slightest attention to English common law that we have to get used to the idea of Sharia law.

Well, why not just give up and vacate the country altogether Mr. Archbishop, your High Holiness, sir?


What I posted was only another article/commentary from FoxNews on the subject. [b]These were not my words at all.[/b] I happened to see the article and saw how some in Canada are demanding it, too, and thought I'd share it, since it hits close to home for us in the U.S.


 2008/2/8 18:49Profile

 Re: Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable'

SimpleLiving said

I happened to see the article and saw how some in Canada are demanding it, too, and thought I'd share it, since it hits close to home for us in the U.S.

My fault not to have checked the article. Sorry. I see there are less than 2% Muslims in Canada also. This isn't going to disappear easily, it seems.

 2008/2/8 19:13

Joined: 2005/1/9
Posts: 1522
Germany NRW

 Re: Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable'

David Pawson in his book "The Challenge of Islam to Christians" has already warned about that.
England had some of the strongest Christian witness over centuries and is now one of the leading neo pagan society in the world.
Hardly had any other nation ever fallen from such hights.
May be God has to allow this to happen so that the church can be purified and led back to its original calling to be light and salt.

On the other hand I noticed that Muslims in the UK are more open to the gospel than right now than many other groups in society, I have seen some turning to Christ.

 2008/2/8 19:16Profile

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK



SimpleLiving wrote:

An American woman working in Saudi Arabia was arrested and spent time in jail where she was mistreated in various ways all because she went over to a male colleague in a Starbucks and sat with him.

It's true. This happened a couple days ago to a woman who — before this incident — had been gushing about the so-called "freedoms" in Saudi Arabia.

But when she exercised her freedom to sit down with a guy she knew from work, she was busted by the Saudi morals police, arrested and hauled off to jail.

In Saudi woman are not aloud in the same area of a shop. For example if you go to the local burger joint there are two shops side by side. One side is for males and the other side for females and children.

This woman must have been aware of this as when you first go to Saudi evryone makes you aware of the rules. I think she and her male friend was foolish to even try to have coffee together.

I have been in Saudi and have testified on what Jesus did in my life to Arab co-workers. I am still alive and have my head on my shoulders and my hands on my arms and spent no time in the jail.

I find many Americans get hung up about freedom and get themselves in a lot of trouble when you are in another country because of this mindset. I have heard them say "they can't do that" but you are in there country and it's a case of "oh yes they can"

In Afirca if these Police stop me and they want money, unless I have someone to talk to them who is higher in rank to talk to them. I will get the money down as low as I can and pay. That's the the way the cookie crumbles there.

As for Mr Williams I sent him an email pointing out to him that he does not represent all Christian in our country and we all are not as weak as he himself is.

God will send us a Move of God in this nation of the UK. He has a plan, people will stand up and take notice of what God will do in our Nation.

Colin Murray

 2008/2/23 9:08Profile

Joined: 2007/1/30
Posts: 1230


I've got a good one for you.

Will Barak HUISEIN Obama be the next president of the USA ?

Muslem leadership?

Instead of the supreme court we could call it the sharia court


 2008/2/23 11:56Profile

Joined: 2008/1/11
Posts: 375
Minnesota, USA


by murrcolr on 2008/2/23 8:08:20


SimpleLiving wrote:

An American woman working in Saudi Arabia was arrested and spent time in jail where she was mistreated in various ways all because she went over to a male colleague in a Starbucks and sat with him.

It's true. This happened a couple days ago to a woman who — before this incident — had been gushing about the so-called "freedoms" in Saudi Arabia.

But when she exercised her freedom to sit down with a guy she knew from work, she was busted by the Saudi morals police, arrested and hauled off to jail.

Just a correction, please. This should say, "SimpleLiving QUOTED, [i]not [u]wrote.[/u][/i]

I posted an article. These were not my thoughts and words.

I'm beginning to regret posting this article because this is the second time it's been referred to as [i]my[/i] words.


 2008/2/23 14:33Profile

 Re: Sharia law in UK is 'unavoidable'

Hello Keith,

Don't chastise yourself! You could consider this mild confusion as just another point on the learning curve?

Hi David,

I think you need to read a post by RevBenjamin on p15 of Annie's thread [url=]The Emerging Merger[/url], in which this (see below) paragraph appears.

There is an interesting reference to 'water down' in an eariler paragraph - all these extracted from a book.

Obama said in a speech... '"Faith doesn’t mean that you don’t have doubts. You need to come to church in the first place precisely because you are first of this world, not apart from it. You need to embrace Christ precisely because you have sins to wash away – because you are human and need an ally in this difficult journey. It was because of these newfound understandings that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ on 95th Street in the Southside of Chicago one day and affirm my Christian faith.... The questions I had didn’t magically disappear. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side, I felt that I heard God’s spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth..." '

 2008/2/23 15:21

Joined: 2007/4/25
Posts: 1839
Scotland, UK



SimpleLiving wrote:

It happens automatically when you hit the quote button, I understand fully it was not your writing, I did not mean to cause you distress.

Colin Murray

 2008/2/24 15:40Profile

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