Prayer request for a pastor of a young church we are fellowshipping too.He is going for an operation tommorow for his knee.Very much appriciated, the support of the saints prayer.Yours in Christ - Claudette
Yes, be sure to let us know how it goes :-)
_________________Barry Voss
for sure i will, all thing that worth of praise to God, and thank you for praying.
Thank you for the prayers given He gone under the surgery and have a some little complication during ops, but God is gracious and prayer of the saints offered for his sake; Thank you so much.Our pastor is now trying to have the recovery and praying for the quick healing. He has come back this morning for the sunday service and can tell that he is still in a lot of pain. Pray that he will have a quick healing so he can walk properly again due of they go out for open preaching, and this is a little bit hindrance.God bless and thanks.