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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 What's your PRAYER PATH look like?

Devotional: Adding to the importance of prayer and the timing of our petitions for others, so there far more ground to kneel upon that is uneven…than that “Higher Ground” we seek. What does this mean? Directed to self more than anyone, that we must not look at our situations and delay prayer for those in need…because we seek or are in the midst of a “Higher Ground” experience. Amen and amen.

[u][i][b][size=medium][color=CC0000]The Prayer Path[/color][/size][/b][/i][/u]

The uneven road before her
meant each footprint was – unique.
No casual stroll nor ease of walking
met her steps nor gave relief.

Beyond Rough’s worst terrain,
so her path was clearly seen.
Yet ‘twas grievous to continue
since the stones had cut her feet.

Even so, HIS will – compelling –
drew this woman o’er such ground.
Although the goal was to discover
levels “higher”….more was found!

For the path held many servants
also pressing t’wards HIS mark…
and if not for she whose service
drove her past the shadows – dark…

then would many not have risen
from the ditches where they lay!
But blessings given her from GOD
came since – for them – she paused to pray.


 2007/12/30 13:13Profile

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