[b]O, Come to My Heart, Lord Jesus[/b][i]Galatians 1:15, 16; 4:19[/i]Every man is meant to be the Bethlehem of the Son of God by the regenerative power of Redemption. Just as the historic Son of God became Incarnate in the Virgin Mary that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God so the Son of God is formed in the life of the individual saint by the supernatural grace of God (Gal. 4:19). Are we willing to submit to the new man that is formed in us until our natural life is transfigured by His personal indwelling? It has nothing to do with our eternal salvation; it has everything to do with our temporal value to God. All most of us are concerned about is being saved from hell only and being put right for heaven. But there is something infinitely grander than that. [b]We are given the marvellous chance of give up our right to ourselves to Jesus Christ so that we may become the devoted bondslaves of God Who saves us so supernaturally.[/b][i]~Oswald Chambers, Still Higher For His Highest, December 25th[/i]