[b]Run to this heavenly Father"The Father of mercies and the God of all comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:3Christians should look upon God under this notiontheFather of all mercy, sitting upon a throne of grace. Weshould run to this heavenly Father in all conditions!We should run to our Father with our sins, as that sickchild who, as soon as he found himself illhe ran to hisfather to help him, "My head! My head!" 2 Kings 4:19So in case of sinrun to God and say: "My heart! Myheart! O this dead heartFather, quicken it! This hardheartFather, soften it! Father, my heart, my heart!"We should run to our Father with our temptations.A child, when another strikes him, runs to his father.So when the devil strikes us with his temptations, letus run to our Father: "Father, Satan assaults and hurlsin his fiery darts at me! Father, it is Your child who isassaulted by this red dragon! Father, take off thetempter!""Cast all your care upon Him, because He cares aboutyou!" 1 Peter 5:7. What a sweet privilege is this! Whenany burden lies upon our heartswe may go to ourFather and unload all our cares and griefs into Hisloving bosom! "Cast your burden on the Lord, and Hewill support you; He will never allow the righteous tobe shaken!" Psalm 55:22
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon