Devotional: In Joshua 5 we read that GOD removed the reproach of Egypt from the Israelites and no more gave them manna, but they ate of the food of the land of Caanan. Then, at the start of Joshua 6, we read of how large an obstacle getting through Jericho was to be. Now Jericho was straightly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in. And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valor. Imagine then being told to walk around the walls for a week without a word spoken! Have you ever just watched the clock during a lunch or a presentation with someone and you feel so bored or ashamed or something .that you cant wait till its over? I imagine many grieved during those Jericho hours. Why are we here doing this walk? This is foolish! The people of Jericho have to be laughing at us! We should have stayed in Egypt!But the seventh day, their silent grieving turned into shouts of praise and GOD showed HIMSELF mighty on their behalf! So let us praise HIM now during our Jericho hours! We have no mandate to remain silent! Rather! We have the instructions from HIS WORD to lift HIS NAME and praise HIM! So let us follow that direction well knowing that HE is coming soon on our behalf! Arise, as such, arise .and praise the LORD! Amen and amen. [u][i][b]The Jericho Hour[/b][/i][/u]The grieving hour upon ushas but seconds yet be outpoured tis all now leftfrom this our times of training.Yea, such spans of great rejoicingnear our hearts within refrainsto be sung as Passions choruswhich shall soon renew our frames.Although self perfect, we are notyet we bear no more our stains! So sing with me transforming this once grieving hour with praise!As HIS servant in your service,WVW Jasnoch 12/28/07