Devotional: Just two simple questions. Is your quest for CHRIST to serve as a door or as a window? And is the light you display to others sourced in CHRIST's brilliant Son shine, or in self's shadowy center? Amen and amen.[u][i][b]Transparencys Goal[/b][/i][/u]The future of lifethrough the faith we displayresides in the choices we wisely must make,so that nones thoughts mistake(as we shine for HIS sake)that our actions are fake yea, self centric.For what if twas blacklight and not Glorys glowthat is seen as our spark in the dark, yet unknown?Only those who choose No!(when HE calls to their soul)will in shadows be shown yea, self centric.Thus, my future needs Light which is blinding indeed to consume every selfish request known as Greed.Only then can this seed(which must serve those in need)shall transparent be seenyea, CHRIST-centric!As HIS servant in your service,WVW Jasnoch 12/28/07
And is the light you display to others sourced in CHRIST's brilliant Son shine, or in self's shadowy center?
Is your quest for CHRIST to serve as a door or as a window?